ooc: Info Dump

Jun 26, 2009 21:52

Name: Cooro
Birthday: August 3rd
Age: 11, almost 12
Height: 142 cm/4'6"
Weight: 35 kg/77 pounds
Eyes: blackish brown
Hair: black

PERSONALITY: (copypasta from app cause I am teh lazy)

Cooro is 142 cm of pure ethusiasm. He is an eternal optimist, the kind of child that is unafraid of new experiences. Cheerful, good natured and niave, at first glance Cooro seems like a simple child. He loves food, apples in particular, and he can be easily distracted or convinced to a cause if fed first. As his friend Husky observed, Cooro "gets lost chasing butterflies and he doesnt even realize he's lost." Although he is the 'leader' figure in the series, there are multiple occasions where Cooro will run off, distracted by things in the sky or apples in an orchard. This ineviably annoys the other children he travels with, but in some way or another Cooro always makes his way back to his friends.

On that note, Cooro is an extremely self reliant orphaned 11 year old, able to take care for himself without any supervision. He has a respectful attitude towards adults, however he is not above manipulating them when he's in dire circumstances. He also understands that actions always have consquences, and this makes him one of the most moral characters in the manga. As he said once conseled his friend Nana, "stealing is bad. I do it too, sometimes, but I'm prepared for the consquences. I might get punched of killed, so if you're ok with than then, got it?"

Having said this, Cooro is overall a very obediant person. He may lie to a stranger under pressure, but he will always do what his friends tell him to do. If they tell him to leave, he will go, and if they want him to go somewhere he doesn't want to go, he'll still do it. Because of his upbringing and life circumstances, Cooro values freedom and people's right to chose their own destiny. He is selfless, but sometimes at the expense of his own happiness. He is extremely loyal and he will always keep a promise.

Although independent, Cooro is still a child and a special one at that. As a +Anima, a person with animal characteristics, Cooro lives in a world where he is discriminated against, even feared. His reaction to this fear and curiousity is to grow quiet, soemtimes isolating himself. Since he is not ashamed of his abilties he usually cannot seem to fathom why people continue to be afraid of him. He tends to see the best in everyone. Because he is so young, his ability to cope with traumatic experiences is also underdeveloped. His method of dealing with past traumas is to mentally repress them, forgetting situations that have made him feel threatened or trapped. Basically, his way of dealing with extremely uncomfortable situations is to simply not deal.

It is usually at these vulerables times that one of his friends have to step in and console (or sometimes rant at) him. When he becomes reassured, he always manages to bounce back quickly, forgiving those that upset him and resuming life like nothing happened.

Like most children, Cooro lives in the present, only concerned with his immediate needs of shelter, hunger and entertainment. He loves attention and people who comb his hair and make him food, but he doesn't seem capable of staying in one place or doing the same thing over and over again for every long.

ooc, info dump

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