Run the Doldrums: Masterpost

Aug 31, 2011 08:24

Title: Run the Doldrums
Author: crowgirl13
Word count: 16,184
Band(s): Bob Bryar, Brian Schechter, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Fall Out Boy
Pairing(s): Bob/Mikey, Frank/Gerard [incidental]
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, including imprisonment and relatively non-graphic discussions of torture; some horror imagery

Summary: Bob knew from experience how dangerous it was to be behind the kit. Drummers are fixed targets on stage - they tend to get killed or taken. In Battery City, the second option is worse, especially for guys like him. Guys who aren't exactly human.

In the aftermath of the Desolation Row Riot, Bob has to play a dangerous game, deciding between secrets and sacrifice. But while Bob's fighting his solitary battle, the world's changing. A journey from Desolation Row to Danger Days, via Route Guano.


A/N: Many thanks to themoononastick, who did initial betas on this beastie and introduced me to the joy of conversational line breaks. Armfuls of thanks as well to tempore, who is a talented comma wrangler and the queen of all brainstorms. Thank you both so very much! Any additional errors are my own, of course.

Many thanks to my artists. masterpenguin82 made a pitch-perfect mix. turlough created kick-ass art for the story, and has been a tireless cheerleader throughout, as well.

Other awards for encouragement, honest opinions and hand-holding above and beyond the call go to my flist, particularly to Panda, who isn't even in bandom, but rustles a mean pom pom regardless. And as always, this is totally turps33's fault. The fun ideas - and the crazy ones - generally are. ♥

You rock, gang!


A note on Fianin: They are a race of preternatural shapshifters, who have living alongside and with humans for a very long time. They have the ability to easily shift between three forms: human, wolf and an in-between form that's similar to the classic wolfman. Well, if the classic wolfman was shown more often as a bipedal wolf, instead of being depicted as a dude with excessive fur and awkward fangs. Fianin do have an affinity with the moon - there's a distinct link between the moon and their innate ability to slip from fur to skin. However, the full moon doesn't force them to shift forms.

While there are some differences in thought processes between their forms, a Fianin in fur still retains awareness and identity. Fianin are not your classic monster movie werewolf. They are not feral, slavering beasts with an uncontrollable need for human flesh. They are dangerous - but no more so than humans.

I refer to the in-between form as 'mid-form' here.

This is part of the Pedestrian Killjoys 'Verse. While this story stands alone, there is one other story available that runs parallel to the early part of this fic. That ficlet is located here: Oasis

Part One // Part Two

Also on: Dreamwidth//AO3

Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content

Art: Run the Doldrums Wallpaper by turlough

Soundtrack: Convergence Zone: From Desolation Row to Danger Days by masterpenguin82

writing: bandom, kullanilan, my chemical shenanigans, my fic

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