Title: SHIELD for blind eyes
Fandom: Bandom- My Chemical Romance
Character/s: Ray Toro
Disclaimer: While I'm writing about actual people, this isn't true.
A/N: Written for the St. Happenstance's Coffeehouse commentfic-for-all. Thus it's short, sweet and unbeta'ed.
Ray's not sure why the eye-patch seemed like a good idea. It doesn't just cut his vision in half, it makes half the world unknowable. A self imposed handicap like this is a fucking stupid, potentially sucidal idea when heading into hostile territory. Distant memories of superhero comics and evil twins from other worlds, juxtaposed with early morning light on cartoon red hair is probably a safe bet. Acting on thoughts inspired by that particular combination has certainly gotten him in serious trouble in the past.
The thing is, it's also gotten him out of trouble, saved his life and the lives of his guys more times than Ray can count. Which is why he took Captain America’s shield and set it as a target on his back, why he wears The Punisher’s black daily, despite the desert heat.
The darkness behind the patch is stuffy, sealing the black around his eye with a ring of sweat. It’ll be worse, when they get to Bl/ind. He closes his other eye and lets the wind rushing in through the Trans Am’s windows wash away memories of endless white corridors and the muted hum of air vents. Unseen, his hair whips across his right cheek. He thinks about the furtive movements of radioactive spiders and smiles.
Ray is very aware that he's no Nick Fury. But maybe this is that last symbolic piece, the final iconic portion of armor that tips the balance.
This entry was originally posted at
http://crowgirl13.dreamwidth.org/518932.html. Comment hither or yon.