Ficlet: Oasis [Bandom, MCR]

May 29, 2011 18:46

Title: Oasis
Fandom: Bandom - My Chemical Romance
Character/s: Mikey/Bob [past]
Word Count: 1023
Summary: Ghosts. It all comes back to ghosts.

A/N:This is an outtake from my Werewolves in Killjoys land 'verse. In this 'verse, the events of the Desolation Row video are the precursor to the Killjoys. Unbeta'ed and posted because I've missed
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writing: bandom, my chemical shenanigans, pw, my fic

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Comments 21

hammerhead22 May 30 2011, 02:17:41 UTC

That actually made me cry.



crowgirl13 May 30 2011, 02:56:41 UTC
It feels weird to say yay when this made you cry, so first some tissues.
*hands over*
Sorry about that. I tried to warn for the angst.

But also yay! *laughs*

Oh! Your icon has a clear shot of the safety pins! *__*


tempore May 30 2011, 02:53:02 UTC
This this this this this. This is beautiful.


crowgirl13 May 30 2011, 03:01:04 UTC

Yay! Thank you!

I have SO MUCH from this 'verse now! This piece didn't fit into either of the larger arcs I've got going, so I thought it should go up separately. There's also a Bob and Bert interlude at a drive-in that's basically me waxing on about drive-ins. ;P It might get tidied up and posted anyway.


tempore May 30 2011, 03:06:20 UTC
I want to read it ALL!


crowgirl13 May 30 2011, 03:12:32 UTC

LOL, I'm happy to hear that, since I need to shuffle it around and send it your way for some 'Is THIS the plot? how about THIS??' assistance.

I updated my fic masterlist tonight. It's a little baffling to me how little of the stuff I've been working on has actually made it out into the world. >:P


x_dark_siren_x May 30 2011, 11:40:51 UTC
Oh. Oh, so that - kind of broke my heart. Especially with this bit - Gerard wears his red as a flag - the standard beared, the scarlet taunt fluttering before the bull. Party Poison, built from scarlet dares and a blood-stained shout. But Kobra Kid is just a memorial; faded, colors bleeding free. Sometimes that's the only thing Mikey feels is true and real - the blanching of his own soul, like he's got a slow leak where his spirit's slipping away. He's not sure he really cares about the loss. Big ass quote, but I guess...I feel like kind of sums up the Killjoys, in this incarceration and overall, if that makes any sense. :S

Seriously, I would complain about how talented you are if a) you weren't so damned good at it all, and b) if you weren't so lovely with it. ♥

And this comment would be better, if I had had tea yet. /o\ You always get my uncaffeineated comments, I'm sorry.


crowgirl13 May 30 2011, 14:40:37 UTC
Don't apologize! I always enjoy your comments, caffeinated or otherwise. They always make me wish you were close by, so I could hug the stuffing out of you. :)

Thank you! You're right about this Mikey being heartbreaking - but then this whole ficlet is about his grief, so it unfortunately goes with the territory. And I'm glad that's what translated; I was concerned that Mikey read as too detached here.

I feel like kind of sums up the Killjoys, in this incarceration and overall, if that makes any sense.

That makes perfect sense, my dear. And thank you - that's an awesome compliment.

[Are you familiar with the Pedestrian Wolves in Killjoys land verse? I've posted a smidge from Bob's POV in Terri's journal before, but am also thinking of using this as my wave two Big Bang story. HERE is the bit I've posted previously, in case you missed it. :) It's obviously further along in the timeline than this ficlet.]

And man... thanks. Your comments always make me smile and lighten my day. Today is no exception. ♥


x_dark_siren_x May 30 2011, 23:42:01 UTC
Aww. *blushes* You're lovely. :333 I would squish you right back, just so you know.

Oooohhh, I hadn't seen that! :DDD Shall go check it out while I wait on my Lemsip being cool enough to drink (trying to head off any possibility of a cold before Download. /o\ Only my family could get bad colds in May). But just so you know, based on this? I vote YES! to any and all plans to make this a bbb. :)

Seriously. So lovely. ♥♥♥


crowgirl13 May 31 2011, 16:37:19 UTC
:D I approve mightily of mutual squishing!

I wondered - it was on Terri's LJ ages ago, and I couldn't remember if I'd chattered with you about it then. And over here it's under filter, so... *hands* I hope you enjoy it, rough-hewn as it is currently.

Oh! I hope the cold is quickly defeated.
*sends healing vibes along with the comment*

♥ back at ya!


turps33 May 30 2011, 14:10:31 UTC
OMG I love you so much. SO MUCH!

You give the best presents and now I'm going to re-read so I can give a better comment that the constant arghhhhh! Bob! Mikey! That's in my head just now.


crowgirl13 May 30 2011, 14:45:26 UTC
*beams* YAY!

I love you too - as should be obvious from the angst fest. :D
You deserve the best presents always!

Really, I don't think it's possible to have a better comment than this one.



turps33 May 30 2011, 14:46:35 UTC
You replied as I tried to edit. So have more.

And now I have and man, T. You so know what kind of fic appeals to me. There's so much I love in this, so many details that hit me in different ways.

Like the oh so obvious bond between Mikey and Bob, and how badly Mikey misses him. The fact that he's so determined that Bob won't be forgotten, and the tears, and the painting, and Gerard knowing but not completely.

Kobra Kid is just a memorial; faded, colors bleeding free. Sometimes that's the only thing Mikey feels is true and real - the blanching of his own soul, like he's got a slow leak where his spirit's slipping away. He's not sure he really cares about the loss. Mikey"s damn tired of running.That whole paragraph is just, damn. Mikey! His exhaustion is so plain to see and his grief a constant weight. And yet he does keep on going, and to me that makes him amazingly strong ( ... )


crowgirl13 May 30 2011, 21:53:33 UTC
Heee. It figures. Sorry about that.

This comment's pretty darn shiny too, I gotta say. :D So much so that I must give you a token of my esteem:

... )


(The comment has been removed)

crowgirl13 May 31 2011, 22:11:59 UTC
This comment made my day. Thank you!

Color is so key in the Killjoys 'verse - I'd say it's foundational, really - so it felt important to dig into the reasons behind personal color choices. Well, that and Mikey really wanted to air some of his thoughts. :) I'm so glad this worked for you.

Thank you so much for commenting. :D ♥


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