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Comments 34

joereaves April 16 2009, 17:42:18 UTC
I think if you go into manage tags and select the tag and then click remove tag it untags everything and deletes the tag, but I can't swear to it. If it's just misspelt you can use the rename function.

You could try the no_credit comm for icons (not coded as I'm not sure of the exact punctuation, I'm a member so it should be in my profile).

Hmm I don't use del.ico.us (I should) but you've seen my taglist on IJ, I tag to destruction, so I'd list that as Harry Potter, Buffy, slash, het, adventure, and give it a rating too and probably all the pairings as well :D


crowgirl13 April 18 2009, 14:29:40 UTC
See, I couldn't figure out how to *get* to the manage tags section - thank goodness Gil linked me.

Oh, right - I remember that comm! It's been a while since you've posted visual shinys... are you still having software issues? [That was the problem, right?]

And hey - do you happen to have that zombie sheep icon? It's an awesome choice for memes...

I'm incredibly fond of del.icio.us - it makes fic searches much easier [I've lame and haven't really used it for anything but fic-hunting, search-wise], and it's pretty easy to organize. I *like* cross-tagging/excessive tagging - mostly because my brain resembles a sieve, more often than not and I need multiple points of context. I think your tags listing is pretty close to what I'd do too. Prolly not the ratings bit, and I'm currently wavering on the slash label [it's much more unusual for saved fic to *not* be slash in my world], but the rest, yeah. I'm trying to decide how I feel about POV tags. It doesn't seem like a particularly helpful tag...


joereaves April 18 2009, 15:18:50 UTC
I have the software reinstalled now but all my downloaded brushes and such need to be reinstalled and sorted and man that's a time consuming job... but I'm getting the urge to icon to you never know I may get around to it soon.

Unless there's some pressing reason you might want to find fic by the POV (and I can't think of one) I don't see the point of tagging with it. Oh kink tags I have as well in my memories and I would definitely use tags for things like bondage, D/s, spanking/whipping, gun!porn, things like that.


crowgirl13 April 20 2009, 14:43:06 UTC
...but I'm getting the urge to icon to you never know I may get around to it soon.

\o/ That's great news! And hopefully the organizing of your tools won't be as immense a task as it appears. :)

I need to figure out what kink tags are useful to me, and I'm definitely going to use them.


(The comment has been removed)

crowgirl13 April 18 2009, 14:08:30 UTC
You are my HERO - I've been banging my head up against the tags management thing for *far* too long. Thank you!

Tag-wise: what all goes on your genre/categories list? Having a designation for long fic, chaptered fic or maybe a piece of a greater arc makes sense too. Ratings are so nebulous, I only watch for stuff too explict to read at work. I hadn't really thought of kink tags... *considers*

Thanks for commenting. :)


zelda_zee April 16 2009, 18:45:21 UTC
Hey there! For icons I like collapsingnight, ghost_sheep and enchantedteacupcranberry_icons, girlyb_icons and le_fetish. I have coffee icons (not loaded) by ghost_sheep and paper_packages.

I reorganized by del.icio.us tags recently and now I have to do it all over again, because it's once again a big mess. Sigh. Basically I organize by fic/meta/resource/recs, by fandom, character, pairing, writer, kink. X-overs have their own tag. I don't tag for slash, because that's a given, so I only tag gen or het. But like I said, I need to reorganized sometime soon. I think my biggest tags are my various 'toread' tags.

I do use people's tags to navigate their sites, mostly when I'm looking for fic and they don't have a master fic list.


crowgirl13 April 18 2009, 14:44:37 UTC
Hey yourself! *hugs*

Thank you for the links - girlyb_icons is one of my favorites too, but she hasn't posted for a while. I'd forgotten about collapsingnight and le_fetish ! And the rest are NEW!! \o/ Thank you, Zee. :)

I have imported tags from two computers to sort through, and then need to tighten up the rest of the craziness. Basically my account is in utter disarray - and I've something like 2000 tags. Ugh.

Your tags list makes good sense. I tend to not tag by author; I've tried in the past to put it in the description or the link's title. For some reason, it's never been a good organizational piece for me. I'd been frowning at my slash tag for a while- precisely for the reason you've given for not using it as a tag. I think I'm going to follow your lead on this and drop it.

You need to reorganize your tags - what needs to change? Oh, I'm interested in your 'various toread tags' comment- you have different types of toread lists? What are the categories?

Thanks for commenting, Zee. This is very helpful.


zelda_zee April 18 2009, 20:50:11 UTC
I list title, author, pairing and rating in the title, but I find author tags really useful since I have my favorites and tend to save multiple fics by certain writers. And it seems to be an easy way to search when I'm wanting to reread something.

I just need to tidy my tags up, I guess. I like to have all my tags bundled and right now I have pesky ones that don't fit in any category. Plus I need to re-do the titles so they're all in the same format and delete a bunch of links I'll never read (all those Desmond/Charlie fics I meant to read way back when - so not gonna happen!).

My toread tags are just listed by fandom, i.e. spn:toread, merlin:toread, etc... Or they should be. A lot of them are just tagged toread, so I need to re-tag by fandom. Or possibly just actually read the fics.


turlough April 16 2009, 19:11:18 UTC
1) I don't use that many non-fandom icons and apart from the ones I make myself I generally manage to find everything I need through iconaddicts - it's a very high-volume comm though.

2) Well, you know me ;-) If I tagged that story it would probably end up with the following tags:

author:xxx fandom:Buffy fandom:Harry.Potter category:het category:slash genre:action/adventure genre:crossover genre:au occupation:cowboys setting:xxx smut:xxx smut:xxx pairing:xxx pairing:xxx pov:xxx length:xxx-xxx.words meta:rec:fic posted:xxxx-xx recced:xxxx-xx (And depending on what kind of relationships, writing style (fluffy or dramatic for example), themes etc etc it would probably end up with at least another half a dozen tags.)

In general I feel that the more different tags the better, you never know what people might end up wanting to search for.

And yes, if people use tags in their journals I of course use those if I'm looking for something.


escherzo April 16 2009, 19:20:19 UTC
I tag it by fandom (so it would have a HP and a BtVS tag), any subfandoms (mostly for bandom), pairings, and rating. I know some other people do it by genre as well, but I think that gets cumbersome after a while, especially since some things it's not clear quite what genre it fits into.


crowgirl13 April 20 2009, 15:10:34 UTC
I find genre to be tricky - for tagging, but in general too. No one quite seems to know what the word *means* in regards to fanfiction [specifically]. I've seen slash referred to as a genre, which is kinda ridiculous IMO. Though, labeling something AU or H/C is helpful...

I dunno. This process is a little maddening.

Cumbersome is such a good word.


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