Rosary Kickstarter

Mar 12, 2012 13:27

In my continuing effort to collect data about using Kickstarter for funding art projects, I've launched another project very similar to the last, to pay for a print copy of my fantasy serial A Rosary of Stones and Thorns. Backer prizes include everything from e-book and autographed print book copies to hand-made angel doodle bookmarks and vials of essential oil blends.

My last Kickstarter for Spots went 200%+ over goal to finish up at $3500. I am in the "send out rewards" phase and am taking notes on how it's going. In the meantime, someone linked me these insights from IndieGoGo on what tends to make for a successful project on a site like Kickstarter.

Do stop by the Rosary project to at least check out my video. It has paper puppets. >.>
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