2012 Rose & Bay Award Landing Page

Dec 30, 2011 19:48

Welcome to the official landing page for the 2012 Rose and Bay Award, honoring excellence in cyberfunded creativity, aka crowdfunding.  This page gathers together important information about the award, its functions, and its participants.  You can also revisit the 2011 Landing Page nd th 2010 Landing Page.

See the list of 2012 winners.

Based on a poll, there are some changes to the 2013 rules: Self-nomination is still not allowed, but self-voting is now acceptable.  People will have an opportunity for self-promotion in early January, where they may list their eligible projects and/or patronage, in hopes of boosting the number of nominations.

What Is the Rose and Bay Award?
The Rose and Bay Award was launched by ysabetwordsmith (Elizabeth Barrette) in January 2009, and quickly gained additional volunteers.  This award focuses on a growing business model known as "crowdfunding" or "cyberfunded creativity," which directly connects creative people and patrons of the arts online.  This award recognizes exemplary projects and enthusiastic patrons.  It currently features six categories: Art, Fiction, Poetry, Webcomic, Other Project, and Patron.  (Other Project includes any cyberfunded creativity that isn't art, fiction, poetry, or webcomic -- or that spans more than one category -- such as movies, music, etc.)

The award period for eligible activities spans January 1-December 31, 2011.
The nomination period spans January 1-January 31, 2012.
The voting period spans February 1-February 29, 2012.  (Leap Day provides an extra day this year.)

These are the handlers for the 2012 award season:
Art: jenny_evergreen Nominate art!Vote for art!
Fiction: jenny_evergreen Nominate fiction!Vote for fiction!
Poetry: ysabetwordsmith Nominate poetry!Vote for poetry!
Webcomic: ysabetwordsmith Nominate webcomics!Vote for webcomics!
Other Project: lilyayl Nominate other projects!Vote for other projects!
Patron: lilyayl Nominate patrons!Vote for patrons!

There are images for promoting the 2012 Rose & Bay Award.  These include LJ icons, buttons, and banners.

See the followup post summarizing the discussion and poll after the 2011 award season; there are some new rules in the 2012 season based on that.

Category Management

Handling a category entails the following responsibilities:

1) Posting the "nomination" post for that category, on or near January 1. Here is an example from 2011.

2) Watching the nominations as they appear in comments. Make sure nominations are complete and nominees are eligible. Prod people to fill in missing details. Ask people to move misfiled nominations to a different category. Post an outside nomination for someone if they can't get their comment to post for some reason. Quash any arguments that may arise. If there are issues over how something should be filed, etc. then talk that over with ysabetwordsmith and we'll figure it out. Handlers are also welcome to post updates or nudges to boost participation.

3) Posting the "voting" post on or near February 1. Here is an example from 2011. Set the voting poll to non-transparent. Voting will be popular (with checkboxes) rather than singular (with radio buttons) so that voters can indicate all the projects they like within a given category.

4) Similar oversight as for the nomination post. Just keep an eye on the voting post.

5) On or near March 1, tally the votes for your category and announce the winner.

Award Rules

1) In order for a project to be nominated in the Art, Fiction, Poetry, Webcomic, or Other Project categories:

  • It must be "cyberfunded creativity" aka "crowdfunding."  That means it must be creative material marketed directly to an audience online, with money involved somehow.  There are many variations of this business model; all are welcome; and if you're not sure a project qualifies, you may ask.  See "5 Steps to Crowdfunding Success" for a discussion of key features that identify a crowdfunded project.
  • At least part of the project must be visible online without charge.  If the project is normally visible only to paying subscribers or the like, and the creator wishes for it to be eligible, then s/he may offer temporary or partial access for voting purposes.  (If the available material is temporary and/or partial, it needs to say that at the top of the screen, to avoid annoying visitors who might otherwise think they're about to see a complete and permanent piece.)

    2) In order for a person to be nominated in the Patron category,
    • The person must have made a financial contribution to a creative project.  This distinguishes patrons of the arts from the general audience.  However, money is not theonl consideration: Patrons may also be admired for their feedback, word of mouth promotion, suggested improvements to crowdfunding models, taste in items sponsored, etc. -- and these are good ways to choose between patrons if you're not sure which to pick.
    • The receiving project must qualify as "cyberfunded creativity" aka "crowdfunding." That means it must be creative material marketed directly to an audience online, with money involved somehow. There are many variations of this business model; all are welcome; and if you're not sure a project qualifies, you may ask.  See "5 Steps to Crowdfunding Success" for a discussion of key features that identify a crowdfunded project.
    • For the Patron category only, duplicate nominations will be accepted/encouraged. The same patron can be nominated by multiple creators and/or by the same creator for multiple projects. This has two benefits. Links are included to each project on the nomination comment. Voters may follow those links and find new projects to enjoy. Also, the information that a patron has supported multiple creators/projects might prove useful for undecided voters.
    3) A project or person which wins one year is not eligible in the same category for the next year.  After that, it is eligible again.  The 2011 winners are therefore not eligible for the 2012 award season:
    Art-- Moonvoice's Art by Moonvoice (aka Ravenari)
    Fiction-- "Tales of MU" by Alexandra Erin
    Poetry-- Poetry Fishbowl at The Wordsmith's Forge by Elizabeth Barrette akaysabetwordsmith
    Webcomic--Khaos Komixby Tab Kimton akakhaoskomix
    Other Project--Mischief  by S.J. Tucker akasooj
    Patron-- Vercin, patron ofThe Philosopher in Arms y Karen Wehrstein akakaren_wehrstein

    4) This award will go by calendar years.  So in order to be eligible for the 2012 award season, a project or patron must have been active on or between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011.

    5) For the 2012 season, nominations will be made in comments to each category's nomination post (beginning in January).  A nomination consists of the project title, creator name, award category, a link to the project page, and a summary. The summary should include several sentences describing the project's content (theme, characters, plot, etc.), presentation (media, frequency, etc.), and crowdfunding approach (money handling, audience interaction, etc.).  Example:

    Project Title:"Awesome Content"
    Creator Name:A.J. Muse
    Category:Other Project
    Summary:"Awesome Content" is a story about A.J. Muse's three ferrets, told in a combination of music and fiction, illustrated by photos. It is funded by a combination of donations and photo sales. Updates twice weekly on Music Mondays and Fiction Fridays."

    6) You may nominate a maximum of three projects per category.  You are not required to make that many nominations or to cover all the categories. Please make each nomination in a separate comment; that way, if a problem occurs with one nomination it will not affect any others. You may not nominate your own project, nor yourself as patron.

    7) Nominations for each category will be collected by the handler of that category.  (See list of handlers above.)

    8) Participation is voluntary. If a creator wishes to withdraw their project from any category, or a patron wishes to withdraw from the Patron category, simply contact the category handler. In case of withdrawal, the person who made the withdrawn nomination may then nominate another project or patron instead.

    9) Voters are strongly encouraged to browse the nominees before making a final decision; that's what the links are for, and the purpose of this award is to promote the splendor of crowdfunded projects.  If you don't have time to explore widely or you already have a firm favorite, that's okay too

    10) Voting will take place via LiveJournal polling in thecrowdfundingcommunity, open to all.  Polling is by popular vote, with checkboxes; you may vote for all of the projects in a category that you admire.  (There may need to be more than one poll question per category, and runoffs, if the number of nominees is high.  LJ has a limit to how many options there can be per question in a poll.)  You may not vote for your own project, nor yourself as a patron.

    11) Winners will be announced after the polling is completed

    2012 Winners

    Art: "Story Sketches" by Marika Purisima
    Project Title: meeks' Story Sketches
    Creator Name meeksp, aka Marika Purisima 
    Link Landing Page
    Category: Art
    Summary: Meeks creates illustrations for crowdfunded (and other) writers, supported by their fans as well as her own. The first sketch is free, and participation determines how much further work is done on an individual sketch. Writers link their fans to her sketches, and her sketches attract new readers to their work. Readers can find new stuff to read.

    Fiction: "No Dominion" by C.E. Murphy
    Project Title: No Dominion
    Creator Name: C. E. Murphy
    Link Landing page Kickstarter page
    Category: Fiction
    Summary: No Dominion is a Kickstarter funded project to write a novel and several short stories and novellas set in Murphy's Walker Papers universe. I think it was significant for two reasons: first, it's a completely crowd-funded project in a world which has previously been published traditionally, and second, it is the fifth most successful Kickstarter fiction project of all time, at over $20K in funding. (If you don't count RPG fiction, it's the most successful F/SF Kickstarter novel ever.) The first short story written for the project, "Forgotten But By A Few," is available at the first link above.

    Poetry: "Torn World" by Ellen Million and others
    Project Title: quot;Torn World"
    Creator Name: llen Million
    Category: oetry
    Summary: orn World is a shared-universe setting set in a world where the flow of time itself has been disrupted. One of the more enjoyable aspects of the site is that it does not limit itself to a single style of expression: fiction and art are included as well as poetry -- although it is the quality of the poems that I feel deserve special recognition.

    Webcomic: "Gunnerkrigg Court" by Tom Siddel
    Project Title: quot;Gunnerkrigg Court"
    Creator Name: om Siddell
    Category: ebcomic.
    Summary:Gunnerkrigg Courtis a webcomic set in a very odd English boarding school where technology and magic interact. The two main characters are schoolgirls, best friends; one is psychically gifted and the other excels with technology. The supporting cast includes gods, robots, demons, ghosts, animals, fairies, elves, elementals, teenagers, and teachers. The plot is indescribably complex, but extremely engaging. The comic updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Other Project: "Bird Oracle" by Wrenstarling

    Project Title: quot;Bird Oracle One-Card Draw"
    Creator Name wrenstarling
    Category Other project
    Summary:ses a unique bird oracle that she created herself to do monthly one-card draws for the public. Tips are requested, but not required, and she sets group incentives, including random drawings for more complex readings among sponsors, charitable donations and more. She has proven remarkably insightful!
    Patron: Bryant Durrell

    Project Title "No Dominion" Kickstarter
    Creator Name:
    Patron Name Bryant Durrell, ak bryant
    Category: atron
    I would like to nominat bryant or the patron crowdfunding award bryant s the person who initially encouraged me in the crowdfunding direction, and has been an amazing support not only as a patron, but in terms of thinking up ways to get word out about crowdfunding projects, help converting files into epub and mobi for my readers, and general unflagging enthusiasm. I've run half a dozen major crowdfunding projects over the past three years and none of them would have happened withou bryant. He's my hero!

    Special Thanks To ...

    The following people have volunteered their ideas, time, services, goods, and other resources to make the 2012 Rose and Bay Award successful.  Please give them a round of applause.

    jenny_evergreen for managing the Art and Fiction categories.
    lilyayl for managing the Other Project and Patron categories.

    Continued thanks forhaikujaguarfor the original logo art andkaren_wehrsteinfor the general icon, button, and banner art. karen_wehrstein has updated the promo art and nominee badges for 2012.

    How You Can Help
    As a relatively new award, Rose and Bay depends on everyone's participation and enthusiasm to make it a success.  Here are some ways you can help that happen:

    1. Volunteer to manage a category.  Handlers are needed for the Art, Fiction, Other Project, and Patron categories.  Additional volunteers for networking and promotions would be welcome.  Last year we also toyed with the idea of fundraising for prize money, but nothing came together; if someone has experience with this and wishes to help, please speak up.

    2. Mark the nomination period on your calendar.  Make sure you come back tocrowdfunding n January to make your nominations.

    3. Promote the Rose and Bay Award by blogging about it, emailing your friends, posting it on social networks, or any other method you can imagine.  Everyone is encouraged to spread the word as far as possible whether you are a creator of crowdfunded projects, a patron of the arts, or a curious onlooker.  You may link to this landing page, and/or the "nomination open" posts for individual categories when those appear in January.
    4. If you're a patron or audience member, highlight your favorite cyberfunded projects from 2011 and direct people back to the award.  You may link to this landing page and/or the "nomination open" posts for individual categories when those appear in January.  Are you following other patrons whose tastes match your own to see what they sponsor or recommend?  Mention them too!  This makes it easier for people to find eligible nominees.
    5. If you're a creative person, let your audience and patrons know which of your projects are eligible for the Rose and Bay Award, including a link to the relevant nomination page(s).  You may link to this landing page and/or the "nomination open" posts for individual categories when those appear in January.  Do you have an "honor wall" or other place acknowledging your patrons?  Mention that too!  Let your fans know there is a way for them to honor your project and the patrons who make it possible.  Finally, make sure that your project is readily identifiable as cyberfunded creativity; see the article "5 Steps to Crowdfunding Success" for suggestions.
    6. If you're not a member of the LiveJournal communitycrowdfunding et, consider joining.  We welcome new members who are patrons of the arts, producers of crowdfunded projects, or curious onlookers.  This is a good place to network and find out what's happening in the wonderful world of cyberfunded creativity.
    7. Another helpful community isfreestuffday.  Many projects which are funded by tips -- including Free Icon Days, One Card Draws, Fishbowls, and so forth -- are announced there.  Look there for both projects and patrons.
    8. Are you on Dreamwidth?  Check out theCrowdfunding communitythere too.  Some of the posts are the same, while others are different.  Award news will also be posted on the DW community.
    9. Add "crowdfunding," "cyberfunded creativity," and/or "weblit" to your Interests. This makes it easier for creative people and potential fans to find each other.
    10. Place an ppropriate imageon your website; there are general ones for promoting the Rose and Bay Awards.

    awards, cyberfunded creativity, community

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