"You must learn to stand up for yourself // Cause I can't always be around"

Sep 15, 2009 21:53

Characters: Dana Scully, Methos
Rating: TBD
Time Period: Modern 
Location: Time Room --> Thru the castle --> Methos' Cottage --> back to the castle steps--> up to the Curator roo
Relative Date: During the [ dance], After her body vanishes.
Status: Open. Finished

Her father was standing before her, in his naval uniform.  He was talking about how she needed to fight, to come back again. "I'm not there, Starbuck. You have to fight for yourself. He needs you more than I do right now."

Scully woke with a start, her body stiff on the floor of the time room, a massive headache quickly rolling in.   Scully blinked a few times, trying to clear her head and establish her location. Slowly, the statue in the center of the room came in to focus, as did the rest of the images on the walls.  She looked up and could see the edge of the button under the image that had taken Mulder, Reid, Gwen and Archie to the 'Near Future'.  She knew they had gone, that much she could remember.

They had found a boy there, one who had been hurt, Mulder had run off, and the boy had gotten sicker.

It was after that when the memories became dodgy.

She knew that the boy had died, and she thought she remembered the appearance of a brother.  But other things had happened. She knew it, but she couldn't remember. It was like she was trying to remember some one else's memories.

Slowly, she realized that the pain in her head was also a memory, a phantom pain. It matched the one that was creeping through her stomach. Placing her hand upon her abdomen, she realized her clothes were ripped there, an almost perfect circular hole in her shirt.

Kill her. Kill the woman, and hurt them both. Ultimate pain.

The voice echoed, distant in her mind, a foreign voice, commanding her movements.  Her past movements, because she could barely lift her own arms right now. Shaking her head, and deciding it was a bad idea as soon as she started, she decided she would do much better if she could get her feet under her, no matter how sick it made her feel in the process, and try to get the grogginess out of her own mind. Her brain felt like her apartment usually did when she had been gone too long chasing the unreal with Mulder: both empty and full, with contents that were dusty from neglect.

Slowly standing, using the wall for support, she nearly pressed the time button again, but pulled her hand away in the nick of time. Not someplace she wanted to go right now. The supposed future.   Leaning heavily against the wall, she breathed slowly, finally feeling stable again, human.

She wanted to know where Mulder was. He was her only link to reality here, and as unstable as he could be, he was always there for her when she felt like she was losing her mind.  Reaching into her pocket, she searched in vain, her phone missing.That in itself was odd. Normally, it was Mulder who lost his phone, not here. She didn't like the feeling it gave her, of being totally alone, out of touch with anyone here. She couldn't even contact the few others, Gwen, Archie, and Reid, that she had met here.

Pulling her hand out of her pocket, another memory echoed through her mind.

"Mulder... it's... m..."  The sound of a gunshot echoed.

The shot seemed to echo not only in her mind, but in the room. She reached for her own weapon, but it too was gone.

She was scared. For the first time in a long time, she was frightened. She wasn't sure how she had gotten in this room, and she realized suddenly that the blazer and slacks she wore were not the same as the ones she had originally gone to the near future with. Something in the air, in the room, spoke of time having passed. Time she had missed.  She knew it, as sure as she knew she was standing on her own two feet. There were memories, none of them good, all of them just out of reach that tickled the back of her mind, confirming her belief.

She shook her head again. It was a ridiculous notion. A notion that Mulder would have come up with. No, there was a perfectly logical reason for why she felt like this. More than likely, she had gotten something from the boy she was caring for, and she had come back to get better medical help while Mulder continued to explore.

Now, of course, that didn't explain why he would have just left her in the time room when he came back.

If he had come back.

Scully looked at the button to her left. The button to the 'future'.  She reached out to press the button, preparing herself to go racing after him one more time, when she thought better of it. Perhaps it would be best to re-gain her strength here before going back. She knew he couldn't have much time, but he was with Reid and the others, so they would keep track of him. She could barely stand, let alone go back to the desolace of the place they had been.

Sighing, wondering if she was doing the right thing, she turned and walked slowly toward the door, her hand trailing on the wall, avoiding buttons.

It was in the hallway that she could hear the music, and gravitated toward it, using her ears as best she could to find it's source. There had been no music when she left.

Down the stairs, she neared the entrance to the castle and the dance, then paused, leaning against the wall to catch her breath and to stop her mind from spinning. She was feeling much better, except for the nagging feeling that something was wrong, that she was missing something.

She sat on the edge of the stairs, hands in her hair, trying to muddle it out a minute before making her next move. 

methos, dana scully

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