Mael-Gûl AU: Mercy (Gifted to me by my Beta)

Mar 29, 2006 21:32

This double-drabble was a gift to me from my wondeful beta, Surreysmum, written early after she started her beta work for me in last August. I asked her to wait with posting it until such a time in the story when I had told the tale how the relationship between Aragorn and Legolas came about. Instead, she asked me to post it myself when I thought the time was right. Which I will gladly do now!! Thank you, Surreysmum, you are the best! (((hugs)))

So here it is: a powerful little AU to my AU, written by the very talented and wonderful Surreysmum, and operating under the question: what if Aragorn were the exact opposite of a sadist, but caught in the same circumstances?

I hope you will be as stunned by her vision as I was!

double-drabble, 200 words (without headline and signature)
Author: Surreysmum (gifted to Aislynn)
Pairing: Aragorn/Legolas
Rating: NC-17, very strictly adult.
Warnings: BDSM
Disclaimer: LOTR and its characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien. They are just borrowed here. No profit made, no infringement intended.
Feedback: Welcome. Though all praise belongs to the author of this little jewel!
Summary: AU, set in the Mael-Gûl-Universe. What if Aragorn were the exact opposite of a sadist, but caught in the same circumstances?

Double Drabble - Mercy

I wince as the flail bites across his back again, lines crossing painful lines, blood starting. I know my bonds will not yield, yet I struggle. Since that first time, when I fought him hard, I am not allowed to interfere. "Estel!" I hiss. He ignores me and swings the vicious thing across his other shoulder. Merciless.

In public I am his slave, kneeling, serving, silent, by decree. In private, too, their tyranny intrudes, an evil spell making my life dependent upon his violation. It would be monstrous did it not so exactly coincide with my desires.

In one thing he is adamant. The instruments of abuse they have supplied for me he applies only to himself. Every night he does penance for my subservience, my humiliation. For his enjoyment. For his failure to protect me. So much penance, and no absolution.

He drops the whip and turns to me, breath sobbing, and we acknowledge with wary glances the other truth - our bodies' truth - standing hard and parallel between us. And still he hesitates to take what is freely his.

At last it comes to me where mercy lies. "Next time," I say gently, "let me do it."

Written by Surreysmum, August 2005, and gifted to Aislynn Crowdaughter (thank you again!);
posted by Aislynn March 2006 with Surreysmum's permission.

last posted chapter of Mael-Gûl; all previously posted chapters of Mael-Gûl; Intro post of Mael-Gûl with story information.

slash, Mael-Gûl, a/l, au, lotr

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