Title: Darkness and Light
Fandoms: Stargate SG-1/Highlander: the Series
Author: karrenia_rune
Characters: Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter,
Vala Mal Doran, cameos by others from SG-1. & Amanda Devaurieux from Highlander.
Words: 1,716
Prompt: #74 dark
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 belongs to MGM Productions, Gekko Film Corp. and Renaissance Pictures and their respective creators and producers as do all of the characters mentioned here or are mentioned; they are not mine.
Highlander: the Series and the character of Amanda belong to Panzer/Davis Productions etc. Note: The story references events from aired events from season 8 through current continuity for SG-1 and picks up where the previous story, "Going and Returning" left off.
"Darkness and Light" by Karen
It was hardly a triumphant return, thought Amanda as she staggered that last ten feet to the gate and fetched up against the cool stone slab that served as a base for it. She was beginning to have more than just second thoughts about joining Vala and ther other members of the SG-1.
A part of her attention was focused on watching Samantha Carter manipulate the flashing dials and other geometric designs on what she had learned was called a DHD as she
slowly regained her breath and attempted to regain her studied composure at the same time.
With the other of her attention she wondered and not for the first time, what the hell she had gotten herself into. It had all begun with a challenge and an assignment that she had taken on as much for the challenge as for the adventure. It had appealed to her undiminished sense of pride in her own abilities as for the sheer adrenaline rush if she could have pulled it off.
Little had she known that it would all be undone by secrets even bigger and perhaps outside her own range of experience than she had ever dreamed were possible.
Amanda was still not entirely comfortable or positive that she believed Vala Mal Doran's claim that Immortals were not native to the planet Earth as she had always believed; but as the feline so to speak was out of the proverbial bag there was little use in bemoaning what could not be changed at this late date. Amanda giggled and a blushed scarlet when she realized just how inappropriate and scandalized the big man, Teal'c was at her behavior.
Having Vala around was almost but not quite like having a best friend and a in odd way, much like her memories of the time she had spent ast the student of her own mentor, Rebecca.
But instead of learning about swordplay and courtly ritual, and the fine arts of thieving and other skills vital to her own continued existence; Vala was showing her how to manage in a much bigger and grander world of starships and wormholes and laser weapons, and explosives. She liked the explosives.
"We're clear," stated Major Carter in a clear decisive tone of voice.
Mitchell nodded and with a weary wave of his head he motioned that his team should proceed him through the Stargate.
Once more back at the SGC they had barely been given enough time to get cleaned up and have Dr. Carloyn Lam examine them for injuries or toxins that they might have inadvertently picked up during their investigation.
It was a good thing that she had had time to rest and recover somewhat because in her exhausted state, with her eyes closed Amanda could not help seeing visions of other such villages from centuries past burned, sacked, and the inhabitants forced out or simply killed.
She had seen far too many of those in her centuries of existence. No matter how much a veteran of death she had become Amanda would never be able to easily forget about it; she forced the unwelcome images to a back corner of her mind and began to concentrate on what General Landry was saying.
"The Ori represent a clear and present danger to the galaxy at large," said Landry from his seat at the head of the long conference table.
"For once I think we might have a greater threat one our hands that the System Lords," remarked Mitchell. "Although it's taken them a hell of a long time to come out and admit that they aren't as all powerful as they would like us to believe they are."
Major Carter nodded. "Right, but the essential problem in all this, from a strategic point of view; how do you fight something or someone when you don't where they are, or where they'll strike next?"
Vala nodded. "If anyone had asked for my opinion...."
We did not and we won’t.," snarled Mitchell in a clipped undertone.
“Vala?": asked Dr. Jackson. As ambivalent as he was to being freed from he mind-link he had shared with Vala and now with her more or less permanent but still shaky membership on the SG-1 team Daniel realized that he was actually beginning to be quite, well, fond was not exactly the word he had been looking for it but it would do for now. He valued her opinion; and even that wry devil-may care attitude that so grated on Lieutenant Mitchell's nerves. "What were you going to say?"
Vala sniffed an then added. "As I was going to say, Some among my people know that the Ori were real, it was just that we refused to admit to ourselves. It's only now that Tau'ri, I mean the SCG and its allies have managed to rid the galaxy of their only other possible competition that they've made their move; and trust me it's a doozy."
Daniel nodded. "It makes a certain kind of sense. The universe abhors a vacuum and with the collapse of the Gou'ald and the System Lords stranglehold stellar empire; it would make sense that the Ori, sensing a power vacuum would move in to fill it."
"So what do we do about?" Mitchell asked as if it were the most natural question in the world.
There followed an extended lull of awkward silence as each person gathered around the conference table looked at other, looked away again, and looked around once more.
Another voice broke the silence; and there was a strange pause and an echo in the intonation of each syllable of the words that it uttered. "I can tell you. If you are willing to hear it.”
Vala’s hands shook and Amanda suddenly felt a corresponding tremor at the base of her spine much akin to the “Buzz:” that signaled the presence of another Immortal; but that was impossible.
It was at that moment that Samantha Carter identified both the voice and the individual that went with it.
"Baal. You are not welcome here!" Samantha Carter exclaimed once she had recovered
“I have an invitation,” replied Ba’al as he calmly and quite deliberately took a seat in one of the unoccupied chairs at the table.
As a boy and even upwards into his adolescence Cameron Mitchell had avidly read watched every tale and rendition of legends of heroes on the order of King Arthur and the like.
However, whether or not he still believed the legends were just legends or in some distant time in the past the legends were once based on a the real events; was irrevlant. At a certain point in his life he had had to deal with what he could see, feel, taste and touch; that was real, that was life.
It had become a hard and fast truth that had never really gone away until the night that his fighter jet had been shot down over enemy territory
and he learned, the hard way, that there was so much more to the world in which he lived and even beyond the boundaries of his own planet than anyone had ever dreamed was possible.
In the back of his mind it was as if the legends he had loved as a boy were recreating themselves anew in his own life. Oh, there was very little doubt in his own mind that if he allowed Dr. Daniel Jackson any breathing room at all to expound on his various theories of why so many of the cultures and civilizations around the world still existed in one form or another first among the Gou'ald and now the Ori; it would be equivalent to giving a man a proverbial inch and allowing to take a mile.
Not, that he minded all that much, Daniel was Daniel and the man knew so much about this stuff, and despite the occasional headaches and annoyances that knowledge had saved them on more than one occasion.
Still even as they trudged through the heavily forested terrain with the other members of the SG-1 team and Ba'all along for the ride Cameron could not help thinking that it was a damned nuisance not to mention a coincidence that they should be out here searching for the Sangreal to defeat a bunch of funky aliens who had all but coerced most of the of the quadrant into believing they were omnipotent gods.
Cameron Mitchell did not trust Ba'all.
Once a gul system lord and a avowed enemy always a system lord and an enemy. He turned his head once a while to watch as Ba'all apparently verbally sparring with Vala Mal Doran seemed to act as if they were all out for a spring stroll in the woods. Cameron could not have said exactly why the other's behavior and incessant chatter grinded on his gears in ths fashion; it simply did.
The interior of the caverns was dark and damp and cramped which forced the taller members of the team to stoop and the resulting tingle in his neck was doing noting to improve his mood.
Even during the fight with what could have been the ghost of a long-dead knight or perhaps his own boyhood memories of the same were coloring his own impressions, Cameron Mitchell could never be sure at this point. He wanted very badly to hit something or someone and right now it was debatable whether he was angrier at himself or at Ba’all or at the universe at large.
In the back of his mind, Cameron Mitchell thought, “There’s gonna be hell to pay, and I am going to be damn sure that I’ll be right there to collect.”