Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Hikaru no Go crossover
Summary: Breda is clearing his room before moving to Central
Rating: K+
Notes: FMA timeline - During the time when Mustang and his men are moving to Central
HnG timeline - Post-manga
All speech said by Sai is in the manga.
Genre: Supernatural
Word count: 484
Total word count: 484
Status: Work in Progress
Prompt: 014 - green
Breda sighed, taking in the empty room that had taken him a lot longer than he’d anticipated to clear up. But now everything was packed away (apart from the furnature) and the rubbish bin was overflowing with a heap of miscellaneous items. The only thing that hadn’t been touched was the goban sitting in the corner of the room.
He was still debating whether or not he should bring it with him to Central. A lot of people played shogi but that was because it was an Western version of chess. Go on the other hand...
Who knew, maybe there was someone in Central who already knew how to play go. The goban was bulky but if he packed things right, it shouldn’t be too big a problem. ’Okay,’ he thought to himself, ’I’ll take it with me.’ If no-one did know how to play, he’d just have to teach them.
He moved across the room and was about to pick it up when he noticed darkened spots in one of the corners. They were black but Breda knew from experience that it was dried blood. His fingers ghosted over the marks, noting how he could still feel the grooves of the board under his fingertips and that he couldn’t feel the blood’s edge. It must have been soaked in, staining the wood that it had come in contact with.
Now that he thought about it, when exactly did he get the goban? He didn’t actually remember buying the go board or putting it to his room. So how had it -
-‘You can see it?’-
Breda’s hand snapped back and he whirled around. No-one. There wasn’t anything in his line of sight that could hide a full-grown person well. He relaxed. ’Eh, must’ve been my imagination,’ he mused as he scratched his head.
-‘You heard my voice?’-
Eyes flashing all over the room, heartbeat racing, Breda tied to find whoever was in the room. Who did he know that was a ventriloquist? No, it couldn’t be a ventriloquist, the voice was echoing too much. A pre-recorded message then.
Because it wasn’t a ghost. If it was a ghost, the lights would have been flickering and it would have been getting colder. Right? Right.
He started when the room started to faintly glow a lime green. Slowly, his eyes moved to focus on the innocuous goban - yep, that was the main souse of the light.
“Hey, this isn’t funny you guys!” Because who else would do this to him?
-‘Thank you, all powerful God,’- the voice carried on, ignoring him. The goban was getting brighter, almost blinding. -‘I now return to the living world.’- There was a flash of light and Breda suddenly found himself staring at a pair of feet hovering over the goban.
For two seconds, the room was silent.
“Aaaah! Ghost!”
There was a loud ‘thump’ as Breda hit the ground.