Title: The One With Ross's Mancrush
Fandoms: Friends/Heroes
Characters/Pairings: ensemble Friends main cast; Ross/Mohinder, and references to canon Friends pairings
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~4500
Summary: Ross thinks that he's developing a crush on his new co-worker
Disclaimer: Neither Friends nor Heroes belong to me
Genre: attempted humor, crack, crossover, and fluff
Spoilers/Warnings: General ones up to the tenth season of Friends
A/N: For the purposes of this fic, this is set during the tenth season of Friends (sans Rachel-Joey-Ross drama), and an AU version of Heroes between the first and second volumes
A/N II: Written for
lunaste, and
cellshader. I'm so, so sorry I took such a long time on this one, and I hope it doesn't disappoint! Also written for the
mission_insane challenge. Table:
Crossovers | Prompt: Friends
“Well, if we’re talking about that already, then this can only end in one way, and it rhymes with 'schmivorce'...”