The Saints of Atlantis 20

May 18, 2010 22:34

Title: The Saints of Atlantis
Fandoms: The Boondock Saints/Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG15/Teen for violence and swearing
Author: Dragonfan

A/N: This takes place immediately after The Long Goodbye; some five months after the Saints leave Earth for Atlantis.  That means that Atlantis has been occupied for just over two years now.  That episode took place exactly as in cannon.  Neither the twins, nor Father Nevan were in Atlantis at the time.

Colonel John Sheppard was more than happy to have his own body back, even if it meant time in the infirmary right next to Elizabeth Weir, who the alien consciousness that had taken over his body had kissed.  Ok, so she’d been taken over by another one, but still, it was his body that had kissed hers.  So not good, and Caldwell standing there teasing Elizabeth wasn’t helping.  Worse still, this was a problem that could happen again very easily.  He focused on the security implications of the incident, rather than how easily he had been duped into letting an alien take him over for twenty four hours.  He was a sap for romantic love.  He knew that.  He also had managed to keep it to himself for years.  He’d let someone else take the mushy blame for this travesty.

Sheppard needed to figure out a way that they could have figured out before either of the aliens could have left their ‘black box’ storage that they were soldiers who had a death vendetta against each other, and were willing to do anything, anything at all, in order to kill the other.  It would be just his luck that this would happen again, and what if it happened off world and he brought it back to Atlantis?  He scrubbed his face with his hands; frustrated that he couldn’t see what he felt was an obvious answer.  He knew that he already knew it, and he was going to kick himself in the ass when someone pointed it out to him.

“John?” Rodney hovered at the end of his gurney.

Sheppard could see that he was nervous, although he really didn’t know what Rodney had to be nervous about.  “Yeah?” he asked, cautiously.

“Father Nevan’s back from the mainland.  I know, I know, it was completely moronic of me, but honestly who’s going to remember a priest at a time like that?  Huh?  I mean, we’re thinking rescue, and compassion, and, and, all those lofty goals and things - not something hokey like ‘ohh, let’s get a priest over here’.  I mean, religion really isn’t much use at a time like that, not that I have much use for it anyway, but you know what I mean.”

John interrupted Rodney’s babble.  “That’s it!  That’s what I couldn’t remember!  I knew I’d be kicking myself.  Rodney, go ask Father Nevan if any of the rest of his family is involved in any profession we can bring them to Atlantis for.  The more we can get here, the better chance we have that the gene will be triggered.  We’ll need at least ten more shepherds to cover the security shifts and put one McManus on every recon team.”

“I know you’re better than that at basic math Sheppard.  You can’t separate the twins, remember?  They count as one not two.”  Caldwell was trying to follow the conversation between Sheppard and McKay, but was barely managing to follow along; understanding it was something else altogether.  Elizabeth on the other hand, knew exactly what they were talking about and leaned forward following every word.

John shook his head.  “We never have all the recon teams off world at once.  The third security shift can rotate between whoever is on light duty from injuries or whatever.  For that matter, the first two shifts can as well if we have to.  Ten is a good number and eight would be our absolute minimum.”

“Rodney, don’t you need some help with the repair work?” Elizabeth asked.  Rodney and John stared at her.  “What?  Most of the repair work that needs to be done is vital, but it takes up a lot of Rodney and Radek’s time; time that they could be using to figure out things like the ZPMs.  They need the help, and hiring from a known ATA family is a plus.  I’m sure that Father Nevan or the twins could recommend a couple of plumbers, perhaps an electrician?”

“Yeah,” John grinned, getting into the spirit.  “And aren’t jobs kind of hard to find in Ireland right now?  You wouldn’t have to give them the sort of outrageous salary that the scientists get.”

“Hey, we earn every penny of those salaries, Colonel!” Rodney protested.  John threw him a look and Rodney realized he was arguing on the wrong side.  “Uh, oh right, right and if they happened to be married to a shepherd, if they aren’t one themselves, our security problem is handled as well.”

“The IOA isn’t going to let you bring families here to Atlantis,” Caldwell interrupted.  “They’re still very much against bringing dependents into a war zone, and even if you did get them to agree, you’d need housing and other support systems in place,” he cautioned.

“We already have housing,” John pointed out.  “The little tower is full of apartments just waiting to be used.”

“And as far as the other support systems all we’d really need is a grade school teacher, a child care professional, a pediatrician, and a midwife/obstetrician.  The last two are already on the list for your next trip out here and we already have several of the scientists teaching classes,” Elizabeth told Caldwell.

“Several of my people are going for their masters,” John said with pride.

“Actually a few are on track for a doctorate, but don’t tell them that,” Rodney corrected.  “We want them to actually live long enough to get their degrees and the stress has been known to push people over the edge.”

“Several ladies here in Atlantis are expecting Colonel.  I’ve already begun to prepare what we need because at least two of them I can’t send back to Earth,” Elizabeth said as she crossed her arms.  She was still embarrassed over Caldwell’s earlier teasing, but if anyone had earned the right it was him.  He was someone who could truly understand what it was like to be possessed.  Plus, he’d already proved himself to be on their side of the conflict that they knew would eventually come with the IOA.  Why else would he have brought them not only seeds to begin growing Earth food plants, but farm animals as well?  He’d even managed to get some farming manuals and other self sufficiency information put onto flash drives to bring them.

“They won’t agree to those things for Teyla and her friend,” Caldwell pointed out.  They could tell that he did not want to say it, but felt obligated to point out the holes he saw in their plan.  Considering that on this trip he’d brought both women presents for their Ancient conceived children, they knew that he supported them.

“Did you know that Sateda and Japan share several cultural elements?” Elizabeth asked out of the blue, “or that in spite of his very vocal dislike of children, Radek is actually a man very committed to his family?”

“WHAT?!?” screeched Rodney.  “NO, NO, NO; that is not happening!”

John laughed.  “Elizabeth you are so evil!  That’s perfect!”

“I’d have to object to that description Colonel Sheppard,” Father Nevan said as he walked into the infirmary just ahead of ART-2 and the twins, who had been on Chulaon while all hell had been breaking loose in Atlantis.

“Aye, she’s a bit twisted, but she’s not evil,” Murphy said.  He and Conner jumped up onto a gurney.  With as many people in the infirmary as there was right now, it simply made sense for them to share.

“We should know,” Conner finished.

“That barbarian did not knock up the best assistant that I’ve ever had!” Rodney had steam pouring out his ears.  He was so caught up in the image that Elizabeth had implied that he did not realize what John had, that Elizabeth was going to threaten the IOA with Rodney’s rage.  He turned to the twins.  “You’ll let me have some of those knives, right?  I have a team mate to castrate!”

“Well now, if he don’t do right by her, you’d be within your rights, but you at least got to give the man a chance,” Conner said.

“Course, he should know that keeping in all of our good graces means he’d better man up,” said Murphy, waving one of his never ending supply of chewing sticks at Rodney.

Lorne leaned over towards Sheppard.  “He’s talking about Miko?”

“What about Miko?” Ronon asked, just coming into the now very crowded infirmary.

“Rumor has it she’s pregnant,” John grinned, just to see Ronon’s reaction.  He didn’t think that was the case, but what did he know of the girl talk that ran around his city?  Ronon definitely did not react the way John expected him to.  Ronon stood stock still for just a second, then let a out a whoop loud enough to be heard on the other side of Atlantis, grabbed Rodney and gave him a huge spinning hug before dropping him to the floor and running out of the infirmary at top speed.

“Well,” Conner laughed.  “It looks like we won’t have to have that talk with him after all.”  He absent mindedly held out his left arm for a nurse to take blood samples as Murphy held out his right.  It had become so routine that he hardly even noticed the prick of the needle.

“Aye,” Murphy was laughing as well.  “It looks like you’ll be busy Father.  You’ll have Japanese weddings and Satedan weddings to research, not to mention how to figure out combining the two.”

“A task I look forward to with pleasure,” Father Nevan assured his cousins.  “Now,” he turned to Elizabeth and Sheppard.  “How are the two of you doing?”

“Other than extremely embarrassed?” Elizabeth asked.  She had dropped her head into her hands.

“Can we not talk about that please?” Sheppard begged.  He turned to the twins.  “Can you recommend any members of your family that could come to Atlantis?  We’re looking to put shepherds on each of the recon teams at the very least, if not to put one on each of the security shifts as well.  We’ve got job openings for the repair work, teaching school, medical, anything that we can slip past the IOA.  I’d also like the two of you to join ART-1.”

“Gillian,” Murphy said, turning to Conner, naming one of the female shepherds that they knew.  There weren’t many, and they tended to take the role of watchers, marking those who deserved to die for their more active brothers; not that any of them hadn’t taken a life or two themselves.

“Aislin,” he returned.  One was a teacher, the other an ER nurse; and both of them used their jobs to serve their calling.  Both of them worked in London and could easily leave their jobs.  They’d both enjoy working in a place where their jobs had nothing to do with their calling, while still serving the Lord.  Neither one was married.

“What about those with families?” Father Nevan asked Sheppard.

John smirked as he nodded at where Rodney was just now attempting to sit up, still dizzy from Ronon’s impromptu hug.  “We’ve got at least five children on the way, Father.  A few more won’t make any difference.”

fandom: boondock saints, fandom: stargate atlantis

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