Banner by:
kari77 Title: In Search of What Comes Easy
Fandom: Harry Potter/QAF crossover
Part: 25 of ??
Rating: Over all NC-17. This chapter is NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Brian Kinney/Draco Malfoy, Harry, Draco, Harry/Draco
Warnings: This story begins and ends with Brian/Draco - they are the OTP in this fic but I hope you will also be able to appreciate the relationship - both sexual and otherwise - between Harry and Draco. M/M sex. Some violence.
Summary: Brian knows that Draco is a wizard. He knows about his shady past. But strangest of all, Brian also knows that he wants Draco in his life. But sometimes wanting something isn't enough.
A/N - You will need to have read both
Nothing as it Should Be to Chapter 8 and
And So it Begins in its entirety for this fic to make sense.
All comments are appreciated!! Thank you so much for those you who have been commenting. Hearing from you makes my day!!! ♥
Part 25
here at my journal! All previous parts under the "in search of" tag at my journal!!