A Time For All Things - Chapter One

Jan 30, 2007 12:34

Okay, so this is my first posting of my first fanfiction. It's Part One of Chapter One (the ending of the chapter was being mean to me so I split it in two). So I'm really nervous about this. Let me know if you hate it or love it. :gulp:

Title: A Time for All Things

Fandom: Harry Potter, Angel, and Buffy
Pairings (HP): Harry Potter: Harry/Severus, Sirius/Remus, Draco/Dawn, Buffy/Spike,
Pairings (Angel/Buffy): Buffy/Spike, Angel/Wes, Cordelia/Doyle, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya
Rating: R possible, may get to NC-17 if I feel brave
Disclaimer: Everyone/thing is the property of their respective authors, J.K. Rowling and Joss Whedon. I own nothing. Except my student loans. I am willing to trade.
Warnings: SLASH! This story deals with both heterosexual (m/f) and homosexual (m/m and f/f) relationships. If you don’t like, don’t read. Flamers shall be laughed at.
Spoilers: A lot. At least up to Book 5 for HP and seasons 4-7 of Buffy and all of Angel.
Summary: Can Harry overcome 6 years of hate and accept help (and maybe even love) from his most hated teacher?
A/N: I don’t like character deaths even canon ones so a lot of characters who do die in the books/tv series will still be alive in my universe. As I have been quoted saying, “Not all angst has to end in dead!”
A/N Take 2: I do not have a beta so any mistake is mine and I will apologize in advance. If anyone would like to beta, please let me know and I will forever sing their praises. On second thought, I’ll just say nice things about them. My singing could be thought of as torture.

~*~ Chapter One: Goodbye and Hello ~*~

The last day of term turned out to be a fairly beautiful day.  Students milled about calling out promises to write and keep in touch.  Harry Potter and his friends were no exceptions.  They made their way toward the Great Hall where they knew a delicious lunch was awaiting them.  Finally, after shoving several students out of their way to avoid being trampled on, they made it to their usual table.  Ron immediately began scrambling to fill his plate.  Hermione gave him an exasperated look before filling her own plate.


“Hmm?”  Harry looked up to see Hermione staring worriedly at him.

“You’re not eating.  Are you alright?” she asked.  Ron looked up from his plate with a questioning look.

“I’m fine. Really,” Harry said.  “Just, you know, thinking about this summer.”

Hermione frowned.  “You still don’t know where you’re staying, do you?  That is terribly irresponsible of Professor Dumbledore.  He should have told you by now if you could stay with Sirius or not.  He’s been cleared of all the charges against him.  Dumbledore can’t possibly turn you down.”  She looked extremely put out.

Harry gave her a half smile.  “I’m supposed to go talk to him after lunch.  Sirius owled me and said that he and Remus are going to be there too.”

“Well, that’s good, right?” Ron questioned, his brow furrowing.   “If they’re both coming doesn’t that sorta mean you can go home for the summer?”

Harry looked down at the table, his finger tracing a knot in the wood.  “I don’t know, Ron.  I just have a bad feeling about it is all.”

Ron and Hermione exchanged a worried look.  “Harry, I’m sure everything will work out.  If not, perhaps you could stay with Ron and…”

“Mr. Potter,” a low brogue interrupted Hermione.  The three students looked up to find Professor McGonagall standing beside the table.  “The Headmaster would like to see you now, Mr. Potter, as it appears you are finished with your lunch.”  Her expression dared him to say anything to the contrary.

Harry took a deep breath and stood.  Ron and Hermione gave him reassuring smiles.  “Yes, Professor.”

Professor McGonagall turned toward Ron and Hermione.  She gave them a tight lipped smile and said, “You two had better finish up.  The carriages leave in one quarter hour.  Do not be late.”

Hermione gave a gasp and checked her watch as she quickly stood up.  Ron stared morosely at the food still left on his plate and reluctantly pushed away from the table.  Professor McGonagall moved away slightly to give them some privacy as they said their goodbyes.

Hermione gave Harry a squeeze, whispering in his ear, “It’ll be alright, Harry.  I’m sure of it.”

Ron gave him an awkward half hug.  “Just send us an owl, Harry.  We’ll be here if you need us.”

Harry smiled at them.  He did have the best of friends.  “Thanks, mate.  Have a good summer, you guys.”

Hermione smiled at him before grabbing Ron’s hand and dragging him toward the door.  Harry sighed wistfully and turned to look at the professor.  She gave him a slightly warmer smile and turned toward the hallway.  Harry silently followed her, the bad feeling clawing at his gut steadily worsening.  No matter what Hermione or Ron said, he knew that something was going on.  Far too soon, for Harry’s liking, they were at the staircase to the Headmaster’s office.  Harry took a deep breath to calm himself.

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at him then turned her attention back to the statue.  “Buttercup,” she said and the statue moved aside.  She began the long climb, Harry right behind her.  As they approached the door, Harry could hear raised voices from inside.  He winced as he heard not only Sirius and Remus but Snape as well.  McGonagall rapped on the door once before flinging it open.  As she entered, Harry could see Sirius and Snape almost toe-to-toe in the middle of the room.  Remus stood beside Sirius with one hand on his arm to restrain him.  Professor Dumbledore sat at his desk calmly drinking his tea.

“Ah, Minerva.  I see you’ve brought Mr. Potter up,” he said, eyes twinkling.

McGonagall took a look around the room.  “And not a moment too soon it appears.”  She frowned at the men in the middle of the room putting her hands on her hips.  “You’d think you were all teenagers the way you act.  I can’t leave you alone for five minutes without you getting into trouble.”  Sirius and Remus looked at her, wide eyed.  Snape just snorted and crossed his arms.  “And you,” she said pointing at Dumbledore who smiled innocently back at her, “should know better than to let them get started.”  She sighed.  “All right, Sirius, Remus.  You two sit over on that side with Mr. Potter.  And Severus, you’ll sit with me,” she said grimly.

Everyone sat immediately.  Harry could not get over how…Mrs. Weasley-ish Professor McGonagall sounded.  From the looks of it, Sirius and Remus were a bit shocked as well.  Only Dumbledore and Snape appeared to take this new side of the professor in stride.

McGonagall studied everyone for a moment and nodded once sharply before taking her seat by Snape.  “Professor?  I believe everyone is ready.”

The silence grew as they waited for Dumbledore to speak.  He leaned forward and rested his chin on his hands for a moment then sighed.  “The issue we are all here about is where Mr. Potter shall be staying this summer.  It is obvious by now that he cannot be allowed to return to the Dursley’s.  However, he must stay somewhere safe.  Sirius has been cleared of all the charges that have been brought against him.”  He was interrupted by a snort from Snape.  Sirius glared at him, ready to launch out of his chair but was stopped by Remus.  Across the room, McGonagall reached out and rather forcefully grabbed Snape’s arm, tightening her fingers around it.  Snape let out a pained wheeze and slouched in his chair.  Dumbledore hid a smile behind his teacup and continued.  “While I believe that Mr. Potter would be safe with his godfathers, it has been brought to my attention that certain areas of his education have been found…lacking.”  He quirked an eyebrow at Snape who turned his head.  Dumbledore sighed and turned his attention back to Harry.  “Namely the ability to defend himself.”

Harry opened his mouth, ready to protest but was stilled by Dumbledore’s raised hand.  “I’m not saying that you cannot defend yourself, Harry.  But you do have a talent for getting into trouble and most times you are able to extract yourself through what Minerva has called “sheer dumb luck”.”  Dumbledore smiled at Harry gently.  “But there will come a time and as it much as it pains me to admit, it will come soon, when you will have to face a challenge unlike any before and I don’t think that luck will play much part in it.  You need to learn as much as you can, as fast as you can.”  He drew a deep breath.  “Which is why I cannot allow you to stay with your godfathers this summer.”

The room went instantly silent.  Harry felt as though his stomach had dropped somewhere around his ankles.  Not stay with his godfathers?  “But…can’t they teach me what I need?”

Dumbledore shook his head slowly.  “Oh, they could teach you some, Harry.  But you need much more than that.”

Harry closed his eyes.  This was just too much.  “I’m confused.  How can I learn as much as you want me to?  I mean, it’s just one summer.”  Everyone was quiet.  Sirius looked away angrily.  Remus just gave him a sympathetic smile.

“There’s a spell.”

All attention focused on Snape.  He grimaced at them before speaking again.  “There’s a spell that works somewhat like a Time Turner.  We would cast it on a room like the Room of Requirements.  When we enter the room, time will slow down outside.  A month here would be a year inside the room.  That is how we would be able to teach you what you need to know.”  He sneered at Harry.  “Although, knowing you, three years may not be long enough.”

Sirius growled at him from across the room.  Snape straightened in his chair, obviously ready to let loose with verbal barbs, when he was interrupted.

“Gentlemen.  I suggest that you stop right now,” McGonagall threatened, folding her arms, wand withdrawn.  The two glared at each other for a moment before turning away.  Silence fell yet again this time even more uncomfortable.

Harry sat there, trying to sort through the information that he had been given.  He didn’t have to go back to the Dursley’s so that was a plus.  He had really been looking forward to staying with Remus and Sirius though and the thought of spending three years just learning defense was overwhelming.  It made his head ache.  As he put a hand up to his forehead to rub some of the pain away, his fingers brushed across his scar.  He froze.  This is it, he thought.  This is what it’s for.  He looked at Sirius and Remus.  I have to keep myself alive for them and I have to keep them alive for me.  It’s not just my protection that I have to worry about.  He looked around the room at Sirius and Remus and Dumbledore and McGonagall and even at Snape.  It’s everyone’s.  He took a deep breath and looked up at Dumbledore.

“What do I have to do?” he asked.

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