Jan 20, 2006 10:45

The crossover_hp Ficathon is here! Please read the rules first before commenting with a claim.


This seems a bit complicated, so bear with me, and let me know if anything needs clarification.


Because there are a lot of fic exchanges going on right now that are due at various times, I’m going to (hopefully) make it a little easier on everyone by making three different sessions for posting - basically, the months of February, March, and April. So when you claim, say which one you’re claiming for.

- Session One: Post between February 1 and March 1.
- Session Two: Post between March 1 and April 1.
- Session Three: Post between April 1 and May 1.

You may claim only one prompt for each session at a time. There’s two good reasons for this: 1) There will be less abandoned claims that were just picked up because ‘ooo shiny’ but don’t have time to be written, and 2) The people who get here first can’t just swoop in and gather up all the good prompts. ;)

BUT! There are some caveats to this. If you finish and submit your piece before the deadline (so for example, if you claimed something for Session One and post it on February 10), then you can do either of these things if you like: 1) Move a prompt you’d claimed for a later session up to the current session (so if you’d claimed something for Session Two, you’re saying that you’re going to finish it in February instead) and then claim a new prompt for Session Two if you want, or 2) Claim a new prompt for the current session.

So the gist of it is, you can claim as many as you want eventually - you just have to complete them one at a time.


Fics must be at LEAST 500 words. Longer than that is definitely better. No maximum.

Art is also welcome! (Just calling it a ficathon for simplicity’s sake *g*)

Please include FICATHON in the subject line somewhere. That will make it so, so much easier for me to compile the masterlist eventually.

In the header, be sure to include the title, fandom(s) (we already know that they’re crossed with HP), rating, pairing (if applicable), and prompt (so that the person who made the request knows it was theirs!).


Post a comment to this entry with your claim. Please include the entire prompt (so I can find it!) and which session you are claiming for. You may want to skim through the comments before you post in case I haven’t had a chance to cross something off the list yet. I may sit at my computer a lot of the day, but not all of it. ;)

Example claim (I’m not claiming these): Buffy the Vampire Slayer scenario #3, “Snape/Giles, Snape hides [himself, Draco] with Giles post HBP” for Session One. Also Remus/Wolf (The 10th Kingdom) pairing for Session Two.

You may notice there are three different kinds of prompts. Because scenarios are so specific, and there are so many of them, only one claim per prompt. The only exception to this is for artists. If you are claiming for art, say that in your comment and you can claim anything you want, even if it’s already been claimed. (Clarification: So if an artist claims something, it will not be crossed out because a writer can still claim it. If a writer has claimed something first, an artist is welcome to claim it even though it's already crossed out.)

However, for pairings and generic crossovers, more than one person may claim the same prompt (because I’ll betcha they’ll be done in a completely different way every time!).

If you claim a scenario, you should try to stick to the gist of it as best you can, but don’t stress if you take a little artistic liberty. Remember that this isn’t an exchange where you’re writing for someone specific - these are just for inspiration. (Also remember that when you read something that was written for your prompt!). However, if you do have questions about the requester’s original intent or you want more information about the canon, etc., then here’s what you should do: Go to the prompt submission post and find their comment. Don’t ask me, because that’s just what I’d end up having to do. :)

In theory, pairings imply a romantic relationship, but if the sparks don’t fly, don’t stress over it.

The generic crossover list is there because of all the prompts that were basically, ‘I don’t care how this crossover works, just make it work’. So when you claim one of those, you’re committing to write/draw any sort of crossover you like with that fandom and Harry Potter.

There is no deadline on claims. You can come back and claim at any time between now and May 1.

Other Notes

I tried to organize the following claims list as best I could. For scenarios, if there was more than two requests for one fandom, it has its own list. Otherwise, it’s listed under ‘Other TV’, ‘Other Movies’, etc. Everything is in alphabetical order by fandom. There were some things that are both books and movies, or that sort of thing, so I just arbitrarily picked a category. Unless indicated, that doesn’t mean that you have to stick to just book or movie canon, though.

I did leave out a handful of requests that weren’t any fandom that I could see, such as real people. There were a couple of things that skirted the line, such as reality shows, but if I could fit them into the TV category, I did.

If the above is not the case and you don’t see your prompt on this list, then leave a comment and let me know. It’s quite possible that I missed some if they were posted in comments to other comments, or that sort of thing.

Try not to be too sad if no one claims your prompt. Remember that the more obscure things are pretty unlikely to be picked up!

Putting in a prompt did not obligate you to participate. But it would be really nice if you did. :) Please tell your friends! The more people that participate, the better.

Any other questions/comments/concerns? Let me know!

And without further ado… the claims list!


Anita Blake
1. Remus is sent to America to try to get the alliance of the werewolves there. He ends up in St Louis, of course. Could be Remus/Richard, Remus/Jason, Remus/Jamil. Remus/anyone, really.
2. Voldemort tries to make Jean-Claude an offer he can't refuse; accept or die. Now Jean-Claude must swallow his pride and convince the Order to help him and his people. So Harry and co. go to St Louis to see what Voldemort is up to now. Harry/any AB character slash. - claimed by mamak11285 for Session Three
3. Wolves are Jean-Claude’s animal to call; Remus ends up in his service against his will. (Jean-Claude/Remus, dub/non-con fine but not necessary) - claimed by maeglinyedi for Session Two

Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel
1. Luna Lovegood is a potential Slayer. - claimed by maebynot for Session Three
2. after Sirius dies the Dursley's take Harry to Sunnydale. pairing-Harry/Spike or Harry/Spike/Xander. the scoobies should be pretty yound around second season. - claimed by maeglinyedi for Session Three
3. When Giles is back in the UK, he's forced to work together with Snape on one case or another. Could be Snape/Giles or gen.
3. Snape/Giles, Snape hides [himself, Draco] with Giles post HBP - claimed by anderyn for Session Two
4. Remus & Wesley (or Remus/Wesley) meeting up, anytime, anywhere, and fighting supernatural crime together.
5. Reasons why Sirius might end up in LA: he’s on the run from the law and Lorne's bar seems like a good place to hide. Wackiness and karaoke ensue, the veil leads to the white room at Wolfram & Hart, no reason, but he's in LA when the sun disappears and hellfire and brimstone rain from the sky
6. Dawn, in London for some reason, with Remus as a mentor figure. I think they'd get each other, the sense of loss, not feeling as special as your friends, having some hidden toughness that allows them to survive
7. Xander and Remus, in a sexy way or not. I think Remus would feel a lot of kinship with Xander. See above about not being as special as your friends, having lost a lot of people and perhaps drinking a bit more than is strictly healthy.
8. Faith kicking ass in Knockturn Alley/Deatheater locale of your choice
9. Oz’s band opens for The Weird Sisters and Tonks, still stinging from Remus’ rejection, immediately becomes the biggest fan of the rockstar werewolf (Tonks/Oz - claimed by abzurd for Session Two
10. Instead of placing the key with Buffy, the key is placed with Harry, as his younger sister Dawn (for her to have been born by the time Lily and James died, she has to be Ginny's age). And Voldemort wants the key. All pairings are fine, as is gen. What year does Dawn show up in? Who is she friends with? And how were memories modified to add Dawn Potter to the Dursley household?

Chronicles of Narnia
1. The Veil acts as a portal into Narnia. (gen or Sirius/anyone) - claimed by nicolen for Session Two
2. Grindelwald-era. Young Minerva McGonagall is staying with her mother's Muggle relatives over the summer. Wardrobes ensue. Years later, the new Headmistress has tea with a childhood friend (Minerva&Susan, preferably gen but femmeslash would be good, too). - claimed by zodiacstargazer for Session Three
3. A find-and-replace in which the HP characters find themselves in the roles of Chronicles of Narnia characters (Dumbledore as Aslan, Ginny as Lucy, etc).
4. Susan Pevensie grows up to be Susan Evans, the mother of Lily and Petunia. - claimed by nicolen for Session Three
5. The Four Founders = the four children of Narnia. Peter = Gryffindor, Edmund = Slytherin, Susan = Ravenclaw, Lucy = Hufflepuff. However you do this is up to you - are they actually the same people? Reincarnations? Is Hogwarts located in the after-death world? All pairings acceptable, gen as well. - claimed by katsumi_chan
6. Cedric/Peter. After death, Cedric meets some kings. - claimed by kessie for Session Three
7. Harry dies while defeating Voldemort, and goes on to the afterlife. He's miffed to find Sirius involved with some dead king. Sirius/Edmund, Sirius/Harry.
8. Snape/Edmund and Harry/Peter. Traitors and heroes.

Good Omens
1. Alastor Moody teams up with Witchfinder Sergeant Shadwell to fight the forces of evil. - claimed by shoeless_girl for Session One
2. Arizaphale takes Remus as a shop assistant during the years after James and Lily's death. Either gen or Az/Crowley or Az/Remus would be fine :) - claimed for fic by yeats for Session Two and for art by milenaa for Session One
3. Sirius/Aziraphale. The boys in the bookshop.
4. Crowley and Aziraphale are both sent to watch over the same Hogwarts student. The Apocalypse ensues.

House, M.D.
1. Harry somehow winds up in House's hospital from his search of Horcruxes, and finds himself as House's patient. - claimed by _outercourse for Session Three
2. A House prequel -- he's covering up that British accent badly in order to hide his past. He used to work at St. Mungo's. - claimed by aella_irene for Session Two
3. There are some things even magic can't fix. The Healers at St. Mungo's are forced to call in Dr. Gregory House to help with a particularly nasty and complex case. Any pairing, any situation, may include Wilson, Cuddy, and/or the House-lets. - claimed by phenixsolaire for Session Three
4. Cameron/Hermione, post-Hogwarts and/or post-war, with Hermione as a healer/mediwitch. (They're so similar in some ways: the "must help others" deal, the desire to prove themselves at their work instead of just as women, the...why hasn't anyone done this yet?) They meet (either through work or through pure chance), get to talking and tallying up their losses. Meth use optional. - claimed by settiai for Session Three
5. magical and rare muggle illnesses combine in a patient - either someone brings House to the magical world since they find out he's the best, or the patient is at PPTH to begin with and the wizards come calling but House convinces them not to obliviate him - claimed by violet_quill for Session Three
6. Tonks is visiting Wilson, her cousin, and becomes House's patient - claimed by abzurd for Session One

Final Fantasy
1. In the distant past, so long ago that most have forgotten, Hogsmade once went by the name of Nibelheim, and Hogwarts was owned by one ShinRa Company. Now, on his way back to the Slytherin Common Room one day, Draco Malfoy stumbles upon a secret passageway that leads him down the the basement of Hogwarts, where someone...something...still sleeps. (And all of a sudden I thought Hojo=Slytherin the Founder, but that doesn't have to be included) (VII) - claimed for art by ponderosa121 for Session Two
2. Geostigma strikes the Deatheaters. (VII Advent Children)
3. Draco meets Rufus Shinra. (FFVII) - claimed by fleshdress for Session Two
4. Chocobo racing is taken very seriously in the wizarding world. Involves Draco betting on chocobos. (VII)

Kingdom Hearts
1. Sora tries to seal off the world, but Voldemort's made a deal with the Heartless.
2. Albus Dumbledore has an encounter with a mysterious figure who calls himself Diz, the next day Namine appears at Hogwarts.
3. Ron after a fight with Harry meets Riku who understands all to well how he feels. (not necessary but possible Ron/Harry Riku/Sora.)
4. any character, touching on the theme of darkness and power as inner struggle and outward manifestation.

1. The veil in the Department of Mysteries is a portal to The Island. (Come on, it isn't stranger than anything else that happens there!) So our favorite fugitive, Sirius Black, is now standed with the surviving passengers of Flight 815. Is Jack wary of him? Do he and Sawyer get up to all kinds of mischief? Does he find he is inexplicably drawn to Kate/Sayid/Ana Lucia/whoever? Do Hurley's lottery numbers have some sort of significance in the wizarding world? Do The Others originate from the veil? Does magic not work on The Island? Take it whatever direction you'd like, but it could be interesting... - claimed by tarie for Session Three
2. Harry/Ron/Tonks/your pick makes a mistake while Apparting and winds up on The Island. Wacky hijinks/drama ensues.
3. Sirius hides on the island after PoA
4. Auror Ginny Weasley has spent the last several years living as a Muggle, traveling the world in search of Death Eaters who have disappeared since Voldemort's defeat. After spending several months in Australia, she decides to make her way to the United States. Unfortunately, the flight she chooses is Oceanic Flight 815. She soon realizes that there's another wizard or witch on the island who's behind all of the weird stuff that's happening... and she suspects that it might have something to do with Walt being a possible Muggleborn wizard.

Prince of Tennis
1. The little-known fifth house of Hogwarts -- Seigaku. This, of course, is the tale of their very successful run for the Quidditch cup. Points for Echizen being in Harry's year. (Gen, please!) - claimed by butterflysteve for Session One
2. Where would Tenipuri characters be sorted in Hogwarts House?
3. Draco is a relative of Atobe or Shishido (Umm, pretend Atobe or Shishido has a British/French ancestry somewhere along the line). Harry is a British exchange student visiting Echizen Ryoma.
4. Niou is Draco's cousin...somehow.

1. Severus Snape is very familiar with all of the Endless
2. Severus intercedes with Death on Sirius's behalf, Snape/Black
3. Harry goes on a search to bring Sirius back and meets up with one or all of The Endless (Death, Dream, Despair, Desire, Delirium, Destiny, Destruction). Bonus points for Bring Black Back.
4. Delirium at Azkaban - claimed by shoeless_girl for Session Three

1. Through a very, very bad magical accident, a member of the magical world suddenly finds him/herself on an unknown planet. Suddenly, a ring with weird symobols on it starts to spin and an Atlantis team comes through. (SG-1)
2. Bill stumbles on a stargate in Egypt. Bill/Daniel. (SG-1)
3. Daniel Jackson and Bill Weasley meet in Egypt. Pre-series, in both cases. Gen or slash. (SG-1)
4. Harry Potter is a member of the Atlantis exploration team. It started out as the perfect hiding spot from something or someone(s) in the Wizarding world, but it became his home. What happens when he is found and ordered to go back to his old life? (Atlantis) - claimed by calanor for Session Three
5. An older Hermione Granger goes on vacation to America and runs into Rodney McKay. (Atlantis)
6. Daniel/Harry and/or Teal'c/Bill. SG-1 accidentally get hold of a wand. Sam wonders why the piece of wood holds so much power in it. (SG-1)

Star Wars
1. Post-OOTP: The Order gets aid in the form of the Republic while Voldemort is joined by the Separatists. - claimed by netbyrd for art for Session Two
2. Post-Revenge of the Sith: Yoda gets lost on his way to Dagobah and ends up at Hogwarts. He is mistaken for a house-elf, but lends a hand when the Death Eaters attack Hogwarts. - claimed by netbyrd for art for Session Three
3. The Veil leads to a galaxy far far away, where Sirius Black ends up a mercenary and smuggler for Jabba the Hutt. Bonus points if the story is Han telling Leia about "this crazy bastard I knew". - claimed by violet_quill for Session Two
4. Harry Potter really is the chosen one. Forget Tattooine, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan take Harry off to be a Jedi. Bonus for Harry coming between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, triple bonus if it ends in Q/O/H.

The West Wing
1. Percy, having lost faith in the Ministry but having really no other job experience besides working for the government, gets a new job working for Will Bailey.
2. Kingsley is Bartlett's new secretary... Maybe he was there at Rosslyn. Maybe he's making Josh jealous because the President listens to Kingsley more than he does his staff. Or maybe there is Kingsley / C.J., because he is tall and it makes her feel more feminine - claimed by castaliae for Session One
3. A West Wing character of your choice is in fact a witch/wizard and another character comes to know about this (perhaps via Big Block of Cheese Day.) And if I'm really lucky the writer would somehow work Josh in there simply because he is fun and amusing. - claimed by xanthophyllippa for Session One

Other Anime
1. Luna can see shinigamis -- either since she was nine or since she was born. Gen or Luna/character of your choice. (Bleach) - claimed by occupiedneptune for Session One
2. As if fightin Voldemort wasn't enough, now Harry has to deal with angry Hollows and Shinigami politics. Harry/Orihime and/or Hermione/Ishida. (Bleach)
3. Eriol works as a DADA teacher and/or Sakura attends Hogwarts to learn about Western magic. (Cardcaptor Sakura)
4. Light goes to England because he heard of mysterious deaths and suspects there's another Deathnote in existance there. He finds Voldie, the struggle for power ensues. Harry/Light or other slash. (Deathnote) - claimed by fivil for Session Two
5. Tom Riddle/Zolfe J Kimbley. Starting in the later years of school for Riddle, and with them teaming up for some ambition (Fullmetal Alchemist) - claimed for art by ponderosa121 for Session Three
6. Harry meets Keitaro. Possible crack involving Naru mistaking Harry for Keitaro. (Love Hina)
7. GEN. Two underachievers swapping outrageous stories. (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi)
8. Hagrid got a bunch of new creatures for his Care of Magical Creatures class. (Pokemon) - claimed by shachi for Session One
9. The evil Lord Voldemort is bent on taking over the world and the only one who can stop him is... Sailor Prongs! A talking cat (McGonagall) informs spoiled young James Potter that his destiny is to save the world. He has some help in the form of Sailors Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail. Plz include awkward teenage Snape joining them as the surly fifth scout, and Lily masquerading as the Taffeta Princess, who hates James but loves Sailor Prongs and always shows up just in time to save the scouts. Bonus for campy evil Lucius. Slash preferred (anything but Sirius/Remus). (Sailor Moon) - claimed by wanderingbusker for Session Two
10. While hiding out in Europe, Draco Malfoy meets Robin and Amon. And possibly Solomon too, just for good measure. (Witch Hunter Robin)
11. Hermoine is Robin's newest target. Would be awesome if this ended up being a tag-team match, with Hermoine + Snape vs. Robin + Amon (Witch Hunter Robin)
12. Yuuko is a guest speaker for the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes (XXXholic) - claimed by laurus_nobilis for Session One
13. Tsuzuki and Hisoka live at Hogwarts from some reason (posing as teachers or students or whatever) to investigate someone who should have died, but didn't (not Voldemort). Including Muraki into the story is a bonus. (Yami no Matsuei) - claimed by alkairis for Session One
14. When Cedric Diggory dies, he becomes a Shinigami. A few years later, he is given a mission: to bring the soul of Harry Potter in for Judgement. Cue angst. (Yami no Matsuei)
15. Seto meets Snape. There is SNARK. (Yu Gi Oh) - claimed by somnia_lustre for Session Two.
16. Ron Weasley and Kaiba Seto play chess. Ron/Kaiba or gen. (Yu Gi Oh) - claimed by she_who_is_soc for Session One

Other Books
1. Get either Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot into the HP world. Is one of them magical? Do they know wizards? Perhaps a mystery that needs them to solve it? All pairings acceptable, gen too. (Agatha Christie) - claimed by anchoredge for Session Three
2. Someone ends up in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
3. Arsene Lupin. Remus Lupin. You tell me how they're related. (Arsene Lupin)
4. Rincewind is once again running for his life and he makes a wrong turn in Unseen University's library, ending up in Hogwarts' library. Added to the mix, he has accidentally brought Death with him, and his faithful luggage isn't far behind either... (Discworld) - claimed by shachi for Session Two
5. Death comes for Voldemort, only Voldemort pulls a fast one and escapes into Ankh-Morpork. Vetinari sends for Mr H. Potter to collect his errant arch-nemesis and return him to his proper place of Dark-Lording. Harry/Vetinari, Harry/Snape, and/or Snape/Vetinari. (Discworld) - claimed by anchoredge for Session Two
6. Draco meets Peter Wiggin. Or, Tom Riddle meets Peter Wiggin. (Ender’s Game) - claimed by dementedsiren for Session Three
7. Eragon (preferably with Eldest spoilers, if not, that's okay)/Harry Potter; something to do with the dragons, dark fic (I love dark fic), and umm... Murtagh/somebody from Harry Potter or Eragon himself (Eragon) - claimed by xremusxgalx for Session Three
8. Sirius/Tristen. The veil is connected to the portals. Tristen, feeling left out of Cefwyn and Ninevrise's new family, is happy for the distraction when a strange wizard tumbles into his court. (Fortress in the Eye of Time)
9. Crookshanks once went by the name of Garfield. (Garfield)
10. Harry's soul has been re-living for quite a long time. Was it a curse of the gods, that he had to suffer heroic tasks over and over again? Slash only. (Greek mythology) - claimed by wook77 for Session Three
11. Albus, during his travels, meets Hannibal Lecter... Interesting conversation ensues. gen or light implied Albus/Hannibal (Hannibal)
12. Tom Riddle: Young, ambitious, manipulative, just beginning his transformation into Voldemort. Post-Hogwarts, pre-Death Eater days. His exploits have led him to cross between worlds in search of power and knowledge; he either finds one of the windows that was left open from earlier days, or he finds a way of creating such a window himself. He begins to investigate Dust and becomes involved with the Oblation Board (and, optionally, Mrs. Coulter/another character). There are so many interesting things that could be done with this, including alethiometer- or Subtle-Knife-as-Horcrux. (His daemon, of course? Nagini.) (His Dark Materials)
13. Will knew Luna as a child, and when he gets back in contact with her, he finds out that she's finished developing a way to travel to parallel universes (her mother died trying to, and Luna managed to perfect the technique). She and Will go to find Lyra, and Harry finds out and tags along, because he wants to find Sirius in the land of the dead. Bonus points for Harry/Luna & Will/Lyra & Bring Back Black. (His Dark Materials)
14. Rudy and Mike return to camp. Wacky hijinks ensue. Remus/Pierre and Rudy/Mike. (I Want to Go Home!)
15. The Raven King's Roads have no concern for time, space, or the boundaries of Faerie. They deliver Jonathan Strange to a doorway marked "ishow no tyo urfac ebu tyo urhe arts desirE." Who should he find on the other side of the mirror but... [your choice] (Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell) - claimed by alexia75 for Session Two
16. Bruno and Boots discover the magical world on a field trip to Scotland - wacky hijinks ensue. Would love some slash in this one! (Macdonald Hall) - claimed by nimori for Session One
17. Remus is hired as the new history teacher. Wacky hijinks ensue. (Bruno/Boots a bonus, but not necessary) (Macdonald Hall) - claimed by marksykins for Session Two
18. Harry falls through the cracks. Guess who finds him and doesn't mind helping him for a favor in return? Harry/Marquis de Carabas. (Neverwhere) - claimed by cadi_b for Session One
19. There was a mysterious crew in Odysseus' ship when he sailed home from Trojan War. There's a rumour that he could use Gods' power. Who was he? What did he want? Slash only. (The Odyssey)
20. Two British Werewolves meet in a bar, there must be so much to say. Remus/Larry Talbot (Only the End of the World Again by Neil Gaiman)
21. Macbeth pastiche with Blackcest (Shakespeare) - claimed by fish_are_evil for Session Three
22. Involving young!Albus (possibly having do with the defeat of Grindelwald?). (Sherlock Holmes)
23. Smith's powers spark controversy in the magical world - set post book 6 but with Voldemort still around - I'd love to see him quickly remove the dark lord and have Harry be simultaneously relieved and outraged. (Stranger in a Strange Land)
24. Harry, Hermione, and Ron have run across many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, but never before have they run across a spider with a human's head, or a black winged horse with predator's eyes and a hawk's claws instead of hooves. ...except, while they were in the Forbidden Forest, they aren't any more; they're in some place called Tortall, where knights roamed the roads and gods fiddled with mortals' lives. (Tamora Pierce's Tortall universe)
25. Either any HP-character joining Jurisfiction, or Thursday jumping into the Potterverse to prevent Sirius' death/Dumbledore's death/Gryffindor winning the House-cup/Harry and Ginny getting together/the pet-peeve of your choice. (Or just have any mix of characters meet in a pub and get pissed together.) (Thursday Next-verse - Jasper Fforde) - claimed by wolf_cat for Session Two
26. Minerva/Elphaba. Who is the Wicked Witch of the West? (Wicked)
27. Post-canon A/U: on a bright June day in 2002, around lunchtime, every wizard and male mammalian magical creature died of an unknown plague. Assorted women of the Potterverse must recover from the loss of their loved ones, deal with the rampant insanity in the Muggle world and fill in the empty places in the hierarchy of witching Britain (Y: The Last Man)

Other Movies
1. Genie somehow returned to his lamp as an enslaved genie and survived through the millenia. Harry finds his lamp and uses his three wishes (keep in mind Genie's restrictions from Aladdin: no killing, no forced love, no raising people back from the dead). (Aladdin)
2. Bill & Ted meet the Founders (I guess that would make Rowena and Helga the medieval babes) OR Rufus / Hermione, which is clearly the OTP of all time because they both have experience with time travel, are idealists, and love to chivvy others to do their homework :D (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
3. Lucius Malfoy is stranded after an Apparation accident, and Jack Twist/Ennis del Mar gave him a lift on his pick-up truck. (Brokeback Mountain) - claimed by underlucius for Session Two
4. When he disappears with a piece of Voldemort's soul, Regulus Black managed to evade the Death Eaters. When strange things start happening, and it looks like the Dark Lord may rise again, whoever muffed the assignment back in the eighties (your choice), resorts to drastic measures. S/He calls in a Muggle hit-man to do the job. Regulus/Martin Q. Blank, plzkthx. (Grosse Point Blank)
5. For some reason, the British secret service has to work with the Aurors, and Tonks becomes the next notch on Bond’s bedpost. (James Bond) - claimed by gm_weasley for Session Three
6. Harry has a strange English relative visiting. Gilderoy Lockhart/Gay Perry. (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
7. Karen (Emma Thompson’s character) meets Snape by chance, and he reminds her of her stupid husband who is cheating on her. She either yells at him or shags him, I don’t really care which. ;) (Love, Actually)
8. Luna starts talking about the Matrix and everyone thinks she is just talking nonsense, at first. gen, or Luna/anyone. (The Matrix)
9. a red pill ends up in Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans (The Matrix)
10. After returning to Earth, Bastian receives his Hogwarts letter. (Can be gen or any combination of Bastian, Atreyu, and Harry. Plz include Snape somehow.) (Neverending Story)
11. One of them learns to the pleasures of sadism from the other. Tom Riddle/Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
12. Remus Lupin somehow becomes involved in (or just aware of) the Lycan/Vampire war (Underworld)
13. The X-Men discover the Wizarding World. (X-Men) - claimed by sionnain for Session Two

Other TV
1. STUBBY BOARDMAN WHO IS REALLY SIRIUS-OR-REGULUS omg, and then... has sex with ryan seacrest. (American Idol)
2. Lockhart, pre-amnesia, hires Edina to do his PR. (Absolutely Fabulous)
3. Baldrick takes his time machine out for a spin, only to crash-land in a meeting
4. Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Guess who's got a cunning plan... (Blackadder) - claimed by eumenides1 for Session One.
5. Voldemort hires the services of Denny Crane (Boston Legal) - claimed by ellid for Session One
Draco is suspected of being one of the unknown Cylon models. (BSG - new series)
6. Charlie moves to the new preserve outside Boston, where shortly after his arrival there is a Muggle murder just off the grounds, involving him with the Boston medical examiner's office. (Crossing Jordan)
7. With the war just getting into full swing, Remus goes undercover again, this time among werewolves in the States. The actions of his fellow lycanthropes (and/or other magical beings/battles/occurrences) make for some pretty bizarre crime scenes. A certain forensics team is called in to investigate. Any pairings, no pairings, do whatever you like. (CSI) - claimed by remarked for Session Three
8. One of the HP boys (don’t care who!) is Jeff’s first homosexual experience. (Coupling) - claimed by mimm_ for Session Two
9. "The Daily Show" does a segment about Hogwarts/the Death Eaters/Fred and George's business/the Ministry of Magic/the wizarding world in general. Gen, humor. (The Daily Show) - claimed by maebynot for Session Two
10. What if wizards were an escaped strain of the Familiars' (a centuries-old secret cult, breeding super-human traits) explorations in transgenic breeding? What if the Familiars and/or Manticore uncovered the hidden Wizarding world? (Dark Angel) - claimed by lexie_b for Session Two
11. George's new assignment is any of the canonically dead people from HP. Would love to see George getting exasperated by Cedric's goodness or Albus' constant offers of lemon drops; or else perhaps for her to get all conspiratorial and rebellious with Sirius. (Dead Like Me) - claimed by cadi_b for Session Two
12. Something goes wrong with a time-turner, and someone ends up in the future. Luna/River or Jayne/Tonks. (Firefly)
13. Snape becomes the next Food Network Star. Preferably with anti-Emeril sentiment. (Food Network)
14. After Alex Xanatos is expelled from his third American wizarding school, David and Fox send him to Hogwarts. Lexington and Brooklyn tag along to protect the castle him. Include Brooklyn/Snape, and Puck (as himself or Owen or both) as Defence professor. Alex/Harry a bonus (particularly if Alex is based on the glimpse of him in 'Future Tense'). (Gargoyles)
15. We've had all sort of island scenarios - what if the veil leads to Gilligan's Island? Sirius is stuck there - can he get home? All pairings are acceptable, as is gen. (Gilligan’s Island)
16. Lorelai and Rory, and Rory and Emily, have travelled to Europe twice now. I feel like there has to be a story in this somewhere. Rory/Harry? Snape/Emily? Remus/Lorelai? (Gilmore Girls) - claimed by taralrobertson for Session Two
17. Team up Mad Eye Moody and Inspector Gadget. (Inspector Gadget) - claimed by aconite for Session Two
18. Snape and/or Luna get it on (or get on, or get off, or whatever) with MC Kaga. Doesn't have to be food porn, but I'm hardly going to complain if it is. ;-) Masago points if you cast Lavender as the giggly starlet. (Iron Chef) - claimed by xanthophyllippa for Session Two
19. Pansy/Shane - after DE rumours and both parents captured, Pansy needs to leave Britain. so she moves to LA ;) (The L Word)
20. Nikita and Michael have a mission; to assassinate one Lucius Malfoy in any manner possible. (La Femme Nikita) - claimed by slaygirl for Session Two
21. Snape guest stars on The Muppet Show (The Muppet Show) - claimed for fic by marginaliana for Session One and claimed for art by scarah2
22. Statler and Waldorf comment on a Quidditch match. Or on Harry/Draco sex. Or whatever. (The Muppet Show) - claimed by wook77 for Session Two
23. Ducky's father was a squib, so Ducky knows all about the wizarding world even though he has no magic himself. (NCIS) - claimed by anderyn for Session Three
24. A HP character (Ron or Draco, maybe?) tries to work in a Muggle office, that certain paper&office supplies office in Slough to be exact. (The Office) - claimed by yeats for Session Three
25. Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls) join Hermione, Ginny, and Luna in the fight against Voldemort. (Powerpuff Girls)
26. Sam leaps into Snape. (Quantum Leap) - claimed by spookykat for Session Three
27. Because I totally want Voldemort and Boris and Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle. Campy cold war era battle against the forces of light and capitalism. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
28. You remember that one episode of The Simpsons where Homer finds a portal into the 3-D real world behind the bookshelf in the living room? Expand on that, involving as many HP character interactions as possible. Fun conversations with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, eating sweets with Albus, and drinking with Slughorn would all be awesome! Maybe he could get involved with Tonks, only to have her morph mid-kiss. (The Simpsons)
29. The veil leads Sirius to the holodeck of the Enterprise. Only problem is... he's a hologram himself. Bonus for slashing Sirius with... anyone, really. (Star Trek TNG) - claimed by shachi for Session Three
30. After the war ends Severus Snape is sent sans wand to teach chemistry at Summerdown School to be rehabilitated according to the Ministry's punishment (because although he was not truly a Death Eater he did kill Albus Dumbledore, even it is was at his request). Featuring Harry and possibly Draco at some point, with speculation about whether Snape is gay from the rest of the cast. Gen, and written in the style of the show (by days of the week, with obligatory drinking every night.) (Teachers)
31. Set post-Hogwarts, a random HP character winds up as a teacher or a secretary or something at Neptune High. Veronica is eventually saught out and asked to help find a missing HP character. (Veronica Mars) - claimed by abzurd for Session Three
32. Reverse the "American transfer student" badfic cliche-- one of the HP characters, due to some dark and initally unclear reason, ends up in Neptune. Creepy backstory, characters on the edge, a cute little mystery, sarcasm and satire, and multiple pairings are all quite preferable. (Veronica Mars) - claimed by spider_ink for Session Three

Multiple Fandoms
1. Upon falling through the veil, Sirius finds himself on an island with either: {a man and his volleyball}, {a bunch of plane-crash survivors and Others} or {a New York magazine editor and a gruff small-plane pilot}. Hilarity ensues. (CastAway or LOST or Six Days, Seven Nights)
2. Severus Snape, seeking refuge from both sides of the war, ends up on the outskirts of Ankh-Morpork. Willingly, or otherwise, he soon becomes the guest of Lord Vetinari ... who quickly recognises a kindred spirit in the man. At some point, they must run into a male character from LOTR, who has fled from Middle Earth to escape a predacious Mary Sue. Will Snape & Havelock help him ... or will they choose to leave him to a fate probably worse than death? (Discworld, Lord of the Rings)
3. Colin Creevey + Casey Connor + Peter Parker + Cameras. Photographers of the multiverse unite! (Faculty, Spiderman) - claimed by kittydesade for Session One
4. Daniel/Harry and/or Teal'c/Bill or any pairing with Harry as one half of it. What if one of the planet SG-1 visits was Middle Earth? What if Sauron managed to escape to earth when the ring had been destroyed, and merged his soul with Voldemort? (Stargate SG-1, Lord of the Rings)
5. Remus attends a werewolf support group and meets werewolves from at least two different fandoms (suggestions - Anita Blake, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The 10th Kingdom, Bitten) - claimed by lipstickcat for Session Three


Remus/Wolf (The 10th Kingdom)
Wolf/Fenrir or Wolf/Remus/Fenrir (The 10th Kingdom)
Bill/Ramses (Amelia Peabody)
Merope Gaunt/Euchrid Eucrow (And the Ass Saw the Angel)
Sirius Black/Kira Sakuya (Angel Sanctuary)
Albus Dumbledore/Septimus Hodge (Arcadia by Tom Stoppard) - claimed by purple_chalk for Session One
Harry/Marty (Back to the Future)
Severus Snape/Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones' Diary) - claimed by soimpossible414 for Session One
Remus/Oz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Spike/Xander/Draco (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Spike/Elred Worple (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Drusilla/Voldemort (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Draco/Cordelia (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Hermione/Chii (Chobits)
Luna/White Witch (Chronicles of Narnia)
Remus/Jadis (Chronicles of Narnia) - claimed by kessie for Session One
Regulus/Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment)
Draco/Ulric von Bek (Eternal Champion/Von Beck series)
Macnair/Jayne (Firefly)
Sephiroth/Tom Riddle (FFVII)
Kadaj/Harry (FFVII: Advent Children)
Severus/Aerith (FFVII: Advent Children)
Peeves/Dr. Pete Venkman (Ghostbusters)
Snape/Aziraphale (Good Omens) - claimed by littlemimm for Session Three
Arthur Weasley / Newton Pulsifier (Good Omens) - claimed by dreya_uberwald for Sessin One
Lucius Malfoy/Rhett/ Butler/Scarlett O'Hara (Gone With the Wind)
Hermione/House (House, M.D.)
Wilson/Snape (House, M.D.)
Bill/Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones) - claimed by rose_whispers for Session Two
Ron/Oliva Benson (Law and Order: SVU)
Sam Tyler/Arthur Weasley (Life on Mars)
Neville/Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Lockhart/Legolas (Lord of the Rings) - claimed by shaychana for Session Three
Dumbledore/Grandpa (The Lost Boys)
Abby/Tonks (NCIS) - claimed by dramaphile for Session One
McGee/Anyone (NCIS)
Harry/Croup & Vandemaar (Neverwhere)
Sirius/Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
James/Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Harry/Kaidoh (Prince of Tennis)
Percy/Wesley Crusher (Star Trek TNG)
Dobby/Yoda (Star Wars) - claimed by florahart for Session One
Dobby/Jar Jar (Star Wars)
Weasley's Ford Anglia/Christine (Stephen King’s Christine)
Giant Squid/Monster (Surface)
Snape/CJ (The West Wing) - claimed by rose_whispers for Session Three
Snape/Tody (The West Wing)
Scully/Snape (X Files) - claimed by cadillacaro for Session Three

Generic Crossovers

A Series of Unfortunate Events
Bewitched - claimed by featherxquill for Session One
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Xander-centric or Gunn-centric)
Chronicles of Narnia (Snape-centric) - claimed by legomymalfoy for Session Three
Count Cain
Degrassi: the next generation
Diagnosis Murder
Doctor Who (old)
Doctor Who (new)
FAKE - claimed by monroe_nell for Session Three
Get Backers
Green Wing
Howl’s Moving Castle
Isavalta (Sarah Zettel)
Lewis Cha (Jin Yung) novels
Jerry Springer - claimed by taralrobertson for Session One and settiai for Session Two
March of the Penguins
Midsomer Murders
Otherland (Tad Williams)
Stargate SG-1 - claimed by titti for Session Two
The A-Team
Valdemar (Mercedes Lackey)
View From the Mirror (Ian Irvine)
Wolf’s Rain - claimed by brightsun301 for Session Three
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