Tag team, Hel and Jess style!

Dec 01, 2005 16:48

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of crossover femslash!

Here we (and YOU) can toss out any pairing that strikes you, as long as it's a crossover and femslashy, and see if any random sucker wonderful person feels like writing it for you ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

prozacpark December 1 2005, 22:13:54 UTC
Why do you think X-men's Rogue and Angel's Gwen Raiden are the OTP of the century?

Think of all the creative ways they could have sex. Or not have sex. Also? The angst! Femslash aside, I would totally dig a fic with the two of them just talking about all their issues. In fact, I might even prefer that. Yes, I'm boring. But so many issues to talk about!

As for Libby/Betty, I'm still all about Daisy/Libby. Because it's perfection.


fictionalfemme December 1 2005, 22:39:52 UTC
Yes, Daisy/Libby have the possibilities for a Hollywood rendevous but Betty/Libby could work in other ways. At the time of Carnivale, Betty has been a Reaper for a few years (almost a decade? I'll have to rerent S1 to be sure). What if Libby didn't leave the carnivale? What if instead, Betty shows up to do a reap ... say in Babylon? Perhaps the reason all those townie didn't move on was because Betty was supposed to reap them but at the time she was in her rebellious phase?

Of course, you've seen more Carnivale than I have.


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