Who: Isabel
Where: A previously-unclaimed bedroom, The Staff
When: The depths of the night between days 22 and 23
Invited: Daniel if he's interested, the Doctor, anybody wanting to NPC Dr Wilson, Sakai or Ethan's dream state or barge in and make a scene
Status: Complete
It was late, or early if you looked at things the other way, and the bunker was still and quiet. Isabel had changed into scrubs for want of a set of proper pyjamas, and sat up in bed studying the three pictures Daniel had provided. Ethan, Dr. Wilson, Sakai. Three names she'd come to hate just over the last couple of days, hearing what people were afraid to say about them.
She knew she'd only heard a little of what had happened, and she knew she was likely to see more of it tonight. This was not going to be pleasant, but she'd decided it was necessary, and she'd got the go-ahead... so why so nervous?
You're not going to turn evil from looking at their dreams, she reminded herself, and took a deep breath.
"Right," she said, mostly to herself. "Time to start."
Daniel had reported that all three were now asleep. She turned to the first picture: Ethan Rom.
Placed a fingertip on it, sent her mind out. The picture rippled briefly, and she closed her eyes, settling down. Moments later her body slept, but her mind...
...she stood in the cell she saw on Ethan's picture, a still from the security camera. Everything had the usual hazy and uncertain feeling of dreams. Things could change here, change quickly. Ethan himself was in a corner, scratching at the floor with something and muttering to himself. Isabel crept closer, silent on her dream feet.
"Got to get out, got to get out," Ethan muttered to himself. "Got to get out."
Suddenly he turned and fixed Isabel with his gaze. She took in what he'd been doing - trying to dig out of his cell with a spoon which vanished as soon as his attention was turned away from it - in an instant as his eyes settled on hers and he smiled slowly. It was not a pleasant smile.
"Another one they send, another pretty girl to talk to me, to break me, to persuade me. No more! I shall have none of it!" He threw himself at her and she tensed, but he passed straight through her body to slam into the wall on the other side of the cell. She spun even as the setting twisted and they were in the jungle, Ethan running off between the trees. Isabel followed, his cackling laughter drawing her on through the darkness of the nighttime jungle, toward a flickering light barely visible between the trees ahead.