Who: Ami, Scott
Where: Medical Facility: Room H
When: Day 21, early morning
Invited: Private: Scott
Status: Complete [Closed]
It was all over. The threat from the outside was over. Daniel and Blaise were keeping the bunker under guard and surveillance, "just in case," but everyone seemed to think that it was over. Ami knew that it was over . . . she didn't feel the Wraith crawling around in the back of her mind anymore. But she'd "seen" what they did, in some cases she'd even felt it, and she found herself doing the one thing she never thought she would do: she was longing for whatever drugs Sakai had given her that deadened her abilities.
Settled back in their room, Ami hadn't said a word about what she was feeling or thinking to Scott. Mostly because she knew that she didn't have to. There were certain things that she simply couldn't hide from her husband.
Wrapped in Scott's arms, feeling stretched thin and exhausted, both mentally and physically, Ami burrowed into his neck and pressed close, almost as though she was trying to climb into his skin. She truly envied his ability to turn to his Algeiban side and let go of everything else.
Scott's lips brushed her forehead and her temple. /It's over now. Get some sleep, love. I'm here and I've got you./
She lifted her face and without preamble or any warning, Ami summoned up what little energy and strength remained in her. Scott let out a startled and surprised gasp and "oomph" as she flipped him onto his back, nearly knocking the air from his lungs with the unexpected impact. Ami crushed her husband's mouth beneath hers, kissing him with frightening intensity. She didn't want to think, didn't want to be able to think or reflect. Ami wanted to forget, she wanted distraction, she wanted to feel alive and wipe away the taint of death.
/Ami -/
"Stuff it," Ami broke away from their kiss, long enough to growl the words out. She knew all the things he would say - she was still sick, she was exhausted, she needed to recover. What she needed right now was this. Not in a dream world, not in a fantasy, but here and now in reality.
Her mouth took to his again, kissing hard enough to bruise. Her hands clawed at the scrubs that he wore and in her frenzy, the sound of the material ripping was potent and erotic. With their link wide open, she could tell that her out-of-character attack and desperation frightened Scott a bit, but not enough yet for him to tell her no.
That was good because Ami had no intention of taking no for an answer.