Title: It's a Small World...
Author's Name: ncruuk
Rating: PG
Fandoms Crossed: SG1/JAG (N.B. The original prompt was asking for Atlantis/JAG, but I misremembered it and wrote a fic that's set at the SGC, with Elizabeth in charge...although in my mind's eye it's Torri Higginson's Elizabeth Weir...)
Pairings/Characters: Elizabeth Weir/Sarah 'Mac'
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Comments 3
Good job and good scenario. I like the set up, and look forward to reading more should you choose to write it.
As for writing more... never say never but realistically, there's a lot of stuff ahead of this on my 'to finish' list, so it's a long wait...
So, please push it to the top of your 'to finish' list. It sounds really intriguing, and all the possibilities....
Anyway, great work, keep on sharing.
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