Title: Not Quite Insignificant
Rating: R-ish (or not, but I'm no good with ratings)
Fandoms Crossed: Battlestar Galactica/Ender's Series (Speaker for the Dead)
Pairings/Characters: Natalie/Jane
Prompt: atheist
Spoilers: some Speaker for the Dead, vaguely BSG 4x07 and 4x08
Warnings/Disclaimers: Not mine, no matter how much I wish they were.
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Comments 13
this is amazing!
and i seriously hope, OSC will not screw up his novel in the Enderverse...
When I picked the prompt and pairing, I was afraid it wouldn't get any receptions because Enderverse is an obscure fandom but, well, you made my day.
PS. BSG is something brilliant. You might like it if you took a crack.
She's so fascinating. Honestly. I want to put her into a corporeal body and make her mess around with other people.
A movie would be nice. Petra's another character I'm quite curious about.
Was it your prompt? I'm glad I could do it justice.
Jane's actually some technological entity (without a body but with a connection to every computer in the Hundred Worlds of Enderverse). Which is tons awesome, to be honest. So since Cylons are essentially sort-of computers, and we all love Natalie, I figured, hey, why not?
(Maybe I'll write more of these two. They are so shippable together.)
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