Title: Just A Scratch (The Reason Lindsay Boxer Decides Hospitals Aren’t Evil)
Rating: PG-13 (for language).
Fandoms Crossed: Grey’s Anatomy/Women’s Murder Club.
Pairings/Characters: Addison Montgomery/Lindsay Boxer
Prompt: gunshot
Seasons/Spoilers: Er... Not really any.
Warnings/Disclaimers: Characters aren't mine.
Summary: Lindsay gets shot. Woe
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Comments 5
But that was great! You definitely got Addison and Lindsay's voices down and I just loved their interaction - so easy and believable. And not to mention HOT! Oh, the images in my head. Thank you for keeping lindsay out of the hospital gown long enough for me to really picture her in her bra plus bandages. I do love a wounded warrior. That was fabulous, thank you so much for doing my prompt justice! Well, even better, really.
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