blackwork bookmarks

Jul 21, 2011 21:46

I've been working on a series of blackwork bookmarks from Seba Designs; unfortunately I don't have pictures of all the ones I did, but I really enjoyed stitching them.

I did them all over two on 28-count cotton evenweave from MCG Textiles in antique white (which is your basic evenweave you can find in Michael's), with a single strand of either Caron Wildflowers (variegated cotton) or Caron Impressions (solid wool-silk blend). I finished them all with nun's stitch.

Click to enlarge.

First, in Wildflowers Midnight, 072:

This one, like the next, is pretty close to being fully reversible.
Second, in Impressions Pine Green, 5060:

I did anchor the free-standing diamonds to the nearby bigger patterns to keep them from unraveling when you looked at them.
Third, in Wildflowers Chianti, 278, both front and back (sorry for the background, it was a last-minute picture on a Christmas tablecloth):

An intricate one. Not my best work on the back, but the pictures of the other one I did in a different color aren't as clear.

Fourth, in Wildflowers Grape, 158, both front and back:

Alas, I couldn't figure out how to get the square-based ones to be more reversible (I also did the second-from-right in the pattern picture, but didn't get a picture before I gave it away.
And finally, again in Impressions Pine Green, front and back:


I think this may be my favorite.

I'm about to move on to time-sensitive projects now, but eventually I'd like to do all ten of the patterns; they make nice travel projects, even though I'm very spatially challenged and so it takes me a great deal of effort to work out the paths for maximum neatness. (If anyone decides to do these and wants the paths I used, let me know-I'm sure there are better, but I am glad to share.)
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