
May 17, 2010 20:21

[ Characters ] Mireille Duroc/unreadability, Silver/annealoncemore and later Ray/assassinskeeper
[ Location ] Silver's and Ray's house in Jamorrow.
[ Date/Time ] Late afternoon, 17th of May.
[ Warning ] Kissing.
[ Content ] She gives him a book. He gives her an answer. They give each other so much more - and then it all starts from there...

Quasimodo and La Esmeralda~ We know how the story goes. )

[silver wolf] mireille duroc, [silver wolf] silver, [silver wolf] ray

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Comments 8

new posting order Ray, Mireille, Silver? walkingtheweb May 17 2010, 20:07:08 UTC
Ray has no reason to suspect anyone to be home except for Silver. And why should he? They never have visitors, so he balances his shopping bag with one arm, and shoves the door roughly open with the other. He's not expecting to see Mireille. He's certainly not expecting to see her kissing Silver, to see Silver (willingly!) putting a hand on her shoulder.

He doesn't drop the bag, but it's a close thing. There's a rather loud clank of bottles and liquid sloshing because yes Silver, Ray's idea of groceries does consist of copious amounts of alcohol. He's standing in the doorway though, watching.

This is not good. Not good at all.


GO GO GO unreadability May 17 2010, 20:42:51 UTC
There's the comforting sensation of Silver's hand on her shoulder, the quirk of his lips as he smiles and Mireille finds herself smiling too, something entirely warm and soft running with her blood around her body.

Then, it's abruptly brought to a halt with the door slamming open and the sound of liquid sloshing around bottles. She recoils, stumbling a couple of steps back to put a more appropriate distance between Silver and herself, although... it's too late by now, isn't it? And would she even change it if she had the chance?

Hands hanging uselessly at her sides, she turns her head and sees Ray in the doorway. Her eyes are just a little too wide. Too scared and too apologetic.


annealoncemore May 18 2010, 07:37:37 UTC
Always alert, even in a moment like this, Silver hears the door a moment before Mireille does. He tenses, the hand that isn't holding her shoulder clenching into a loose fist for a moment before releasing.

He lets his hand drop from her shoulder and turns to the door to confirm what the sloshing and clanking had told him - ah, yes. Ray is home. Home, and staring at them, at this (admittedly peculiar) sight.

How many times had he opened the door on Ray and whichever woman was foolish enough to join him that day? Silver knows it's not the same as that, but nor will he act like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. After all, for anyone who isn't the two of them, this is just...

Just a thing that happened. And Ray has no reason not to deal with it.

"Don't drop that."

Unfortunately for him, the two people on Earth who could sense the tension in his voice are both standing in the room with him, right now.


walkingtheweb May 18 2010, 10:55:45 UTC
Surprise is not a reaction Ray's use to, and he spends a long moment looking between the two of them, not accusing, just... confused is probably the best description. His reactions are moving molasses-slow in painful contrast to the thoughts chattering all too fast through his mind. Mireille. Silver. Kissing. These things don't add up. And yet, they do, and that almost disturbs him more than anything else.

Silver's words, even with their uncharacteristic tension, give him something to grab onto, something he knows how to react to.

"I'm fine" He's snapping and he knows it, and he hates himself for letting that show.

"I'll just... put this stuff away and let you two..." He can't finish the thought. He's not sure what he'd finish it with. Fortunately, unpacking groceries gives him a cover for the unease.


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