[ Characters ] Otacon, Liquid
[ Location ] Their house in Jamorrow
[ Date/Time ] backdated to April 27th, evening/night
[ Warning ] Blood; and in true MGS fashion, lots of the ghey.
[ Content ] Injured by the Jubjub Bird, Otacon manages to make it home.
Quoniam cum probatus fuerit accipiet coronam vitae )
Comments 152
"Hal, where the hell--"
Mother of God, Otacon looked like death warmed over.
The soldier was across the room in a heartbeat and managed to catch the injured scientist just barely before he hit the floor. He shook him lightly, trying to get him to wake back up.
"Emmerich, wake up!"
"...nnh...Liquid..." He opened his eyes halfway, dazed smile gradually coming across his face. "...s-sorry I'm s...so late..."
"Try to stay awake, Hal."
He lifted the engineer into his arms and carried him to the bathroom; the first-aid kit was there, and all of the blood would be far easier to clean off of tile.
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