White Collar fanfic - "The bottle" - G

Nov 14, 2010 20:01

I like to write fanfic, but I don't normally post the stuff I write. Mainly, I never finish what I start, or I just think it sucks and not worth posting it ( Read more... )

kate, neal caffrey, fanfic, pilot, white collar

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Comments 6

elrhiarhodan November 14 2010, 22:03:05 UTC
This is just lovely - a perfect fill to a missing scene. I can definitely see Neal's frantic need to get to Kate.


crism79 November 14 2010, 23:17:59 UTC
Thank you so much for reading :D I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I just had this stuck in my mind all day and had to put it down into words :D


lostandalone22 November 17 2010, 02:48:51 UTC
Great story!


crism79 November 17 2010, 20:31:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :D


china_shop December 12 2010, 21:34:40 UTC
Oh, poor Neal! *pets him* This is painful and excellent.


crism79 December 12 2010, 21:57:34 UTC
:)) Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D *pets Neal too*


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