[As it's raining today, the old man has decided to do what he usually does, get drunk out of boredom. But it has been a while since he's used the journal for anything other than people watching, so he figured he should probably contribute to that mess that we call social interaction. He's been trying to figure out what he was doing the last time he
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Comments 336
Well, TWO ways, but I like the wenches so we'll be going with the first way.
All I need is a date, got the suit while everyone was busy bein' distracted by that last experiment.
[What, she's a singer, it's natural that she will be interested in this.]
Yup, I'm interested in picking up a musical instrument ta help pass the time in Luceti. Still decidin' which one ta go for.
Well, you know that whichever instrument you pick I would like to have the chance to sing something while you play your instrument. I have tons of songs so I'm sure I will have something that fits whatever you pick.
[That's right, he remembers Luka's beautiful singing.] I'd love ya to sing along sometime! It'll be a while before I get any good at playin' something, but you'd be more than welcome too. If ya any tunes you'd wanna sing I could learn to play them for ya!
I should probably get another hobby too, but so far, drinking every day doesn't seem so bad. [Aside from one embarrassing drunk birthday post... woops.]
I don't mind drinkin' everyday, the worst that can happen is ya die, and even then you'd come back to life a week later. What hobby ya got in mind? Or are you lookin' fer somethin' ta do like this old man?
I'm looking. So far I've been trying to get the books on other world's naval battle tactics. You'd be amazed at how many there are.
But Luceti actually does have books like that? I'd be interested in hearin' some other world war stories myself.
I read.
What kinda books do ya read then?
Books on other worlds. History. Novels. [ there was that one math book... ]
Ah but, another one who's interested in the non-fiction! I keep bein' recommended ta read some of these books.
I mean, sure, there's not much use for it since everything gets translated, but keeping up with my Elvish has been a conversation piece before.
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