Title: Six Months of Tea Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters: Oshitari Yuushi / Taki Haginosuke Claim: Prince of Tennis: General Fandom Prompt: #09 - Months Word Count: 1 933 Rating: Light R Betas:
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Hee, Oshitari/Taki is a guilty pleasure of mine so I was really happy to see this. I really enjoyed this, as hikariblue stated, it's very hot and has nice descriptive visuals. I really loved Taki's response to Gakuto's messages, the mention of him working late, and the idea of him having a routine of tea.
I have a few nitpicks for you, mostly that it's "Mukahi" rather than "Muhaki" and there were a few missed commas here and there (there should be a comma between "birthday" and "Haginosuke" in the last line). That's all I can remember seeing offhand.
I'm really happy that somebody else remembered Taki's birthday and I hope that you'll write more of these two. Taki seriously can't get enough fic. :D
Oshitari/Taki I think is my closet OPT (doesn't count as a closet if I admit it?), I love writing them together. Thank you, I tried hard on the little details, it makes me happy to hear that I didn't waste my time with them ^_^
Funny how you can have four pairs of eyes look at something and still miss things, I'll go fix them ASAP~
That's how I was feeling when I saw hikariblue's post of fan art (which reminds me I should post my cosplay pictures to a comm or two). You don't have to hope for more of them, Oshitari/Taki is going to be one of my main pairings for my Au of d00m that I am working on right now ^_^ I'll get Taki more fic even if I have too write every single one of them myself! *vows*
Comments 8
Does this belong in a series, by chance? It feels very much like it does.
I was thinking of doing more with it, maybe adding a sequel or just more to it, that could be why it feels like there should be more. ^_^;;
I have a few nitpicks for you, mostly that it's "Mukahi" rather than "Muhaki" and there were a few missed commas here and there (there should be a comma between "birthday" and "Haginosuke" in the last line). That's all I can remember seeing offhand.
I'm really happy that somebody else remembered Taki's birthday and I hope that you'll write more of these two. Taki seriously can't get enough fic. :D
Funny how you can have four pairs of eyes look at something and still miss things, I'll go fix them ASAP~
That's how I was feeling when I saw hikariblue's post of fan art (which reminds me I should post my cosplay pictures to a comm or two). You don't have to hope for more of them, Oshitari/Taki is going to be one of my main pairings for my Au of d00m that I am working on right now ^_^ I'll get Taki more fic even if I have too write every single one of them myself! *vows*
akjdhkjhgdgh I'm sorry, I'm incoherent right now. ♥
That's quite alright, I'm glad that I could induce someone to incoherency ♥♥♥
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