Last batch ( finally~ *cried of joys* ) it's only two but both if them has Tsuna inside XD
Title: You Are My Sky
crimson_flyers Rating: PG
Warnings: lameness?
Prompt: 17. Giotto/Tsuna - “You are my sky.”
Title: Arrivederci
crimson_flyers Rating: G
Warnings: None
Prompt: 31. TYL!Tsuna - “How to say goodbye.”
This illustration is kind of sequel to my previous prompt titled "
Swear " in which Tsuna's back is facing Gokudera and Chrome. I don't intend to do it like this in the first place but an image popped in my mind and " hey, why don't I make it like this? " so, here's the result. Kinda not as good as the 5996 one but drawing him in that expression ( and TYL ladies! XD ) amuse me to no end
I have two fanfics left ( while the post range has ended, lame me ) to post but I guess I'll sit down for a while and take a brief break. I've just finished my Bluebell - easter piece too for contest on DA in Reborn Family group. Will post them later then