Hello everyone! It's just ten days until the new season starts (yay!) and this place has been a little quiet. I've also oticed a lot of newbies that are a little shy about introducing theselves, so I though this was the perfect time for a friending meme!
So, copy/paste this handy little form in a reply to this entry:
Name:Location: Favourite CM episode:Favourite CM character:Favourite unsub:I ship:Things you talk about in your journal:Friending policy :Other fandoms/interests/favourites:I think I’m the only one who:Share a random thought/gif/something: Optional:
Something I’d like to see more of in this community: The point of a friending meme is to make new friends and interact with people, so don't be shy about replying to other people. Also, feel free to pimp this meme, the more the merrier!
Pimping banners:
http://i.imgur.com/IV5zW.jpg" src="
http://i.imgur.com/IV5zW.jpg" >
http://i.imgur.com/zwPUK.jpg" src="
http://i.imgur.com/zwPUK.jpg" >
ETA: Because my Inbox can't take it I'm not actually tracking this post. If there are any issues or questions, feel free to pm me.