Title: 2 boys and a little girl
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo x Ueda Tatsuya
Rating: PG I guess, or maybe R I really don’t know.
Genre: Humour, Romance, Friendship, Parents =P
Chapter: 4/?
Summary: Ryo and Tatsuya have to care for a baby for 3 months, but during those three months a lot will happen. [fail…fail…fail… It sounds boring here >____<]
Disclaimer: I only own Umiko. The idea of the babies is from 90210 [I only watched it once, because I was bored xD]
Chapter 1)
Chapter 2)
Chapter 3)
“I see you tomorrow and I hope that the babies stay happy” Johnny-sensei said and left the classroom.
All the students rushed out of the classroom except for Ueda who had to write a last thing in his notebook.
“Ueda are you coming?” Kame waited at the door for Ueda.
“You can go home; I’m going to the nurse’s office to check if Ryo is still there, so that he can take the baby now” Ueda was done writing and gathered his stuff.
“Okay, good luck with that and I’ll see you tomorrow” Kame shortly waved and walked through the hallway, to the exit.
Thank you, I think I’ll need it
Ueda stood in front of the door of the nurse’s office and knocked twice.
Nobody answered or opened, so Ueda knocked again, but still nothing was heard and the door stayed in its place.
He prepared himself for a possible person inside and with a big swing, Ueda opened the door.
He did a step inside and after he had closed the door behind him, he looked around.
There was an almost empty desk with only a few files and a lamp.
The room itself was white and light came inside through a big window with transparent curtains almost completely closed. In the corner of the office was a closed curtain and from previous visits Ueda knew that there was a bed behind it and when the curtain was closed, a person was lying in the bed.
Ueda slowly walked with slow steps to the curtain and pulled it away.
The sight made him almost drop the baby.
On the bed lay Nishikido, on his side, asleep and… peaceful?
Ueda couldn’t believe how a person he really hated and thought was irritating, could be so peaceful and handsome when he was asleep.
Ueda sat on a chair that he put next to the bed and put the baby on the little table next to the bed.
He looked at Ryo’s sleeping face.
Some of the light that came inside through the window fell on his face and Ueda sat almost close enough to actually count his eyelashes.
Suddenly the door opened and the school’s nurse came in.
“Ah Ueda-kun hisashiburi ne? How are you doing? You’re not sick are you?” she said and put her stethoscope on her desk.
“No, I’m waiting for him to wake up” Ueda said and pointed at Ryo.
The nurse was a kind lady. She was small but well-rounded and she wiggled through the hallways and her jokes made you laugh until your stomach hurts.
“What actually happened to him?”
“He came here around lunchtime and said that his stomach hurts. I also measured his temperature and he had a small fever, so I gave him some medicine so he could sleep and he is going to be fine after that” she wiggled to the cabinet and put all the files back in place.
“Do you know when he will wake up?”
“Not exactly, but it should be anytime soon”
She suddenly noticed the baby and smiled.
“Oh dear has the baby-project started again? Those were some good memories” she picked the baby up from the table and looked at it.
“Do you have a name for her?”
“Yes, it’s Umiko, it was Nishikido’s idea”
“Nishikido-kun’s idea? You two are a couple?”
“Yes” he smiled a tired smile.
“Wow well I guess times change, how are you doing with the project?”
“We are doing okay, well at least for the first day that is. My mother got all the old clothes from my sisters out of the closet and now Umiko can wear it”
“This is indeed a very cute dress and how is the cooperation going between you two?”
“It’s… okay I guess, I mean he can be a real pain in the ass, but when he’s asleep, he’s kinda cute”
“Well, everyone is cute in their sleep, even your worst enemies”
Again the door was being opened and a boy from the first year came inside. His teacher had asked him to get the nurse, so she grabbed her stethoscope and wiggled along with the boy.
“So I am cute” a husky voice said from the bed and Ueda turned around on the chair to see Ryo sitting right up in bed with his legs over the edge, looking straight at Ueda.
“Uh…w…well” Ueda stuttered. He thought Ryo was still asleep when he said that.
“I think you’re cute too and I would love to see you when you sleep” Ryo put his hand on Ueda’s shoulder and moved a bit forward.
“N…no…th…thanks” Ueda stood up and did a step backwards, but in his haste, he forgot the chair behind him and fell on the ground, pulling Ryo with him.
“You’re so sexy when you moan” Ryo smiled at Ueda who lay under him. In his fall Ueda came right on his elbow and Ryo falling on top of him wasn’t that pleasant.
“Shut up” Ueda flipped them around so that he was on top.
“I like to top, but if you insist” Ryo's hands were on Ueda’s waist and he laughed at Ueda’s shocked face.
Ueda noticed their position when he felt’s Ryo’s manhood actually pressing against his own.
“I…I…I got to…g…go” he scrambled back on his feet and ran outside the nurse’s office, slamming the door behind him.
Outside he leaned against the wall as his brains tried to digest everything that had happened.
He held his hand around his left elbow and felt his heart beating as if he had just run a marathon or something… and how was it even possible that he still felt Ryo’s hand on his shoulder?