I have hitchhiker's with both my thumbs. It was only when I got to high school though that I realized that not all thumbs look that way. Like even last year, when I was playing PW and looked at Larry's thumbs-up pose, I thought it looked weird 'cause his thumb goes straight up and doesn't curve back like mine does.
Very Australian XD *DIES* It's funny because my best friend lives in Australia and she hasn't developed much of an accent from her American one, but yours is pretty noticeable.
And HAHAHA oh god, I never really paid that much mind at all until you brought it up. I had no idea it was called hitchhiker's thumb either until now!
... REALLY!? *ALSO DIES* God, that wasn't even intentional. I tend to pick up on people's accents really quickly -- like, in Torchwood, I could tell straight off that the guy who plays Jack wasn't really American -- but the downside of that is that I always end up incorporating bits of their accents into mine. And here I was expecting you to say "British", ahaha!
Yeah, it's always something that you assume is the norm, right? I find it weirdly interesting looking at people's thumbs when they don't have hitchhiker's, though. I don't get how it can't go back that far. Actually, I don't even know why the gene for hitchhiker's thumb exists at all; it's so... useless? Save for scaring children with, ehehe. TRY IT, SHAHNI, PUT THE FEAR OF GENE MUTATION INTO THE HEARTS OF TODDLERS WORLDWIDE.
I love my silly face too, despite it looking like it belongs to a fat drunken wife-beating child molester when it doesn't have glasses on and has to look blank-faced into a camera for passport-sized photos. XD
I love your hair. o.O And not like how I usually only like people's hair from certain angles. You just have really awesome hair. :D
SO I GO RAMBLING ON TO YOU ABOUT HOW FINGER STUFF FREAKS ME OUT AND THEN YOU FAKE A BENT/CRACKED/WHATEVER THUMB. >.> THANKS SO MUCH. Oddly, my thumbs only go partway back. Like...not quite a hitchhiker's thumb, but not quite normal. Just...somewhere in-between. :| But I can wiggle my ears?
You should make video posts more often. :D *broken record* And your gloves look fun.
I. Can't stand. The color. Of the fringe. XD So I'm glad you say that? Ahaha.
That trick's only supposed to scare CHILDREN, you idiot. ♥ I wanna see you wiggle your ears. MAKE A VIDEO POST AND DO IT. I can't wiggle my ears or whistle in anything other than one really loud note.
IT DIDN'T SCARE ME; IT JUST MADE MY FINGERS SORE WHEN I THOUGHT ABOUT IT. >.> And...okay, I'll make a video post when my laptop comes back to the world of the living. D:
Comments 17
Ultimate emo experience. XDDD Also I have the same problem with my right thumb, hahahahaha.
I have hitchhiker's with both my thumbs. It was only when I got to high school though that I realized that not all thumbs look that way. Like even last year, when I was playing PW and looked at Larry's thumbs-up pose, I thought it looked weird 'cause his thumb goes straight up and doesn't curve back like mine does.
And HAHAHA oh god, I never really paid that much mind at all until you brought it up. I had no idea it was called hitchhiker's thumb either until now!
Yeah, it's always something that you assume is the norm, right? I find it weirdly interesting looking at people's thumbs when they don't have hitchhiker's, though. I don't get how it can't go back that far. Actually, I don't even know why the gene for hitchhiker's thumb exists at all; it's so... useless? Save for scaring children with, ehehe. TRY IT, SHAHNI, PUT THE FEAR OF GENE MUTATION INTO THE HEARTS OF TODDLERS WORLDWIDE.
y so sexy, luke. ;.;
Also where is your icon from, I see crotch bulge and purple (!!) pubes.
Naah, not American. I just didn't really take into account that you'd have an accent. AND I DON'T REALLY SEE THAT BALD SPOT. WHERE IS IT. WHAT.
Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. 8D Unfortunately, I lost the original picture. If I find it, I'll send it your way.
I-isn't Simon a shota? .__.
That thumb trick got me every single time when I was a kid. :(
... REALLY? AHAHAHA. I wish someone had pulled it on me. Though granted, it wouldn't have worked since I have hitchhiker's thumb too. :[
SO I GO RAMBLING ON TO YOU ABOUT HOW FINGER STUFF FREAKS ME OUT AND THEN YOU FAKE A BENT/CRACKED/WHATEVER THUMB. >.> THANKS SO MUCH. Oddly, my thumbs only go partway back. Like...not quite a hitchhiker's thumb, but not quite normal. Just...somewhere in-between. :| But I can wiggle my ears?
You should make video posts more often. :D *broken record* And your gloves look fun.
That trick's only supposed to scare CHILDREN, you idiot. ♥ I wanna see you wiggle your ears. MAKE A VIDEO POST AND DO IT. I can't wiggle my ears or whistle in anything other than one really loud note.
IT DIDN'T SCARE ME; IT JUST MADE MY FINGERS SORE WHEN I THOUGHT ABOUT IT. >.> And...okay, I'll make a video post when my laptop comes back to the world of the living. D:
IT HAD BETTER REVIVE SOON. I wanna see ear-wiggling. And broom-hair. D:
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