viridian linked to
this streaming site of adorable lion cubs and their momma! I could totally just watch them sleeping, the steady rhythm of their breathing. But right now they're playing. When she cleans them? OMG! Her tongue is so huge compared to their little bodies! Adorable!
→ I don't know what I did, but
dayln03 posted me a pretty people picspam,
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Comments 20
2. *sings* One of these things is not like the others...
3. Those are the Skiffy boards. The Kara/Lee thread over there contains a group of... special snowflakes, who pretty much seem to think that liking any character besides Lee and Kara (and sometimes not even Kara) makes you defective in some way. I'm not even sure what they like about the show to tell the truth. They waste a lot of breath hating everything but Kara and Lee and their twu wuv. They've pretty much driven off all but the die-hards, and based on that secret, made anyone else too uncomfortable to offer a dissenting opinion.
I don't care if they don't like Leoben, or Kara/Leoben -- it's when the light into Callum and is fans that I want to choke a bitch. There are a few major offenders, but I won't name names.
The secret-maker should come hang with us. They can fangirl Leoben and ship Kara/Lee. What a concept!
Not only does this poor person think Leoben is a rapist (while also thinking he's hot? Does that work? Can you do both at once?) but they also believe that liking him means there's something wrong with them and that if anybody knew, dot. dot. dot.
Dot. dot. dot. WHAT? They would disown you? Call you a rapist sympathizer? What? I say, come over to the dark side where people let you *gasp* have your own opinions!
Also? Special snowflakes? FTW.
Well lemme tell ya, you can't rape the willing.
Seriously though just...WHAT! I can't even. I just don't get it.
Now I'm off to go look at baby lions :)
WAIT. Maybe they mean Leoben is a mind rapist. Hahaha. That must be it.
To which I say- so the fuck what. What they *showed* us onscreen was hot consensual dream loving, with Kara in her bunk getting off. Unless it shows up on screen, it isn't canon and screeching about Leoben raping Kara and condemning people for shipping a rapist/victim doesn't really work if that's not actually what happened when it was aired as the official episode.
Those women are crazy.
But even so, dream rape? On her part? Is not him being a rapist. It's her fears perhaps.
And hasn't Katee also said that she quite, *ahem* enjoyed filming those scenes? Either way. That's just the most ridonkeykongulous thing I've ever heard.
That is seriously one of the worst things about any fandom. Crazy!pants shippers and their delusions and... well bullying! And it sucks majorly because while they don't represent the whole group, they certainly give the rest of them a bad name. If I were a die-hard OTPer and not a chronic multi-shipper, I would be embarrassed to be associated with such tomfoolery!
(Did you know Kara/Leoben fans need anti-psychotics, are pro-rape and/or rapist? That place is so educational)
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