Title: Reasons
Prompt: #94 Right
Rating: G
Word Count: 169
Title: Reasons
Prompt: #94 Right
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: G
Word Count: 169
They said it was wrong, the two of them together; the age gap too great, their backgrounds too different, their natures too violent. It was wrong for a big rough man like Jayne to want a pretty little thing like her. And no one thought River capable of giving consent, otherwise she would see how wrong it was to let him touch her.
Never mind that he was the only one who could make the pain go away or that her heart would race at the thought of his warm hands and all the wonderful things he could make her feel with them. And it didn’t matter that she made him smile more than he had in the past twenty years or that she was the first woman he could see himself settling down with.
They knew how people saw them, an abomination best condemned or ignored completely, but it didn’t matter to them. Logic could say it was wrong, but they knew in their hearts it was right.