Title: Less Than Great
Prompt: #90 Less
Rating: PG-13 for sexual references
Word Count: 338
Title: Less Than Great
Prompt: #90 Less
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: PG-13 for sexual references
Word Count: 338
With a deep sigh Jayne rolled himself off of River’s small body and flopped down on the bed next to her. They lay for a moment in silence, both staring blankly at the curved metal ceiling of Jayne’s bunk.
“That was…less than great.” River mumbled as she pulled the thin sheet over her body and held it tightly to her breasts.
“I’m sorry about that, River girl.” Jayne absently scratched at his chest, his mouth twisted into a thoughtful scowl. “I guess I haven’t been at the top of my game lately.”
“You have been under a lot of stress.” River nodded and rolled towards him to rest her head on his shoulder. He shifted to wrap his arm around her and pull her tightly to his side. “Premature ejaculation is not uncommon and statistics show that most men experience it at least once in their lives.”
“But it’s our anniversary. I wanted to make it good for you too, not blow my wad right off the bat and ruin everything.” He cringed and pressed an apologetic kiss to the crown of her head.
“The night is not completely ruined.” She tilted her head back to look up into Jayne’s face.
“Yeah?” He quirked an eyebrow and tried to think of something that could possibly salvage his miserable performance.
“Just because intercourse ended in a stalemate doesn’t mean we cannot find other games to play.”
As River grinned up at him and let her hands wander teasingly over his upper body, Jayne felt his sour mood melt away. He pulled her quickly to settle on top of his chest eliciting a squeal of surprise from her.
“I’ve got myself just about the shiniest girl in the whole ‘verse,” he growled, trailing his lips slowly across the smooth skin of her throat, letting her responding giggle tickle his mouth. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
“Not often enough,” River moaned happily in anticipation of all the ways her man would be making it up to her.