Title: Festivities
Prompt: #22 Maypole
Rating: PG
Word Count: 508
Title: Festivities
Prompt: #22 Maypole
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: PG
Word Count: 508
Greenleaf was one of the few border planets that the Alliance had managed to terraform well. As the name implies the planet was lush and green in the spring and summer seasons, followed by a short dry winter that would end with the first of the spring monsoons. The soil was rocky and acidic however and could only grow a few staple crops for the people who lived there, but they were an optimistic bunch of settlers and were happy with what they had. They celebrated their fair weather every summer with a festival that kept everyone in high spirits.
The maypole in the town center proved to be a particularly fascinating sight as the crew of Serenity watched the townsfolk dance around it from where they sat off to the side. They’d finished a job early that morning, dropping off crop seeds to some local farmers, and decided to stay for the festivities.
“What in the hell are they doing?” Jayne asked, gesturing with his beer glass to the dancing villagers. They circled around the pole, women dancing in opposite directions as the men, all with brightly colored ribbons in their hands that connected with the top of the maypole.
“The wreath atop the pole descends as the ribbons are weaved around the structure,” River explained, smiling at the ancient Earth-that-was custom. “Simulates intercourse.”
“Simulatin’ intercourse? Is that really the type of thin’ they should be doin’ in public?” His eyebrow rose as he cocked his head to the side, trying to see the phallic symbol the pole was supposed to represent.
“It’s to ensure fertility in the year ahead.” She turned her gaze away from the townspeople to watch Jayne scrutinize the dancers. His brow furrowed lightly indicated his confusion. The fact that he was actually listening to her, combined with his now empty cup, proved that he was more than likely drunk. She liked him better this way. He was a friendly drunk and treated her more like a real person, forgetting that she was a slightly strange girl who could read his thoughts if she wanted to.
The villagers finished wrapping the ribbons around the pole, meeting at the base. Pairing off, one young man to every young woman, they danced off laughing and smiling.
“Will you dance with her?” River asked, holding out her palm to him, a bright hopeful light in her eyes.
Jayne looked warily at her proffered hand before reaching his own out to take it. How could he resist a pretty girl wanting to dance with him, he reasoned. Briefly he wondered when he started thinking of her as pretty, but shrugged it off as just the alcohol putting him in a good mood. He wasn’t a great dancer, but as he swung her around to the lively music she laughed and smiled just like the other girls. And even though she was only a crazy girl dancing with a drunken mercenary who would treat her badly tomorrow, it wasn’t too hard to pretend that she was real again.