An update!
It's been how many months? Five? Six?
Sorry to take so long over this. Part of it was real life getting in the way (trust me, you don't want to know) and part of was that this damn piece wouldn't stop!
It's come out so long that for reader's comfort and posting purposes, it's been cut into four subsections. So, after much work and cursing, here it is:
Series: First Time for Everything
Part: Chapter 3
Title: Touch - Ianto
Spoilers: This chapter, Fragments only.
Rating: Series will be NC-17 overall, this section hardR/NC17 for graphic depictions of historical domestic violence (physical, sexual also mentioned), implied childhood abuse and self=harm.
Pairing: Ianto/Lisa, implied Owen/Suzie, Ianto/OMCs and OFC (historical) and Jack/Ianto flirting/innuendo
Thanks: Go to my betas:
madtheo and
travellingone, who were wonderful and didn't complain at the mammoth task I begged of them.
Disclaimer: Torchwood, it's characters and ideas are the creation of RTD and the property of the BBC and are nothing to do with me. Keith is mine, which is okay. Oliver is also mine - which does worry me a little.
Notes: "Dwr Cymru" is Welsh Water - the public utility company that provides tapped water throughout Wales. "Cardiff Royal" is Cardiff Royal Infirmary - main accident and emergency (ER) hospital in Cardiff. The Six Nations is an annual rugby tournament (England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy) and rugby rivalry between England and Wales is fierce. The "southern nations" are the rubgy teams of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Summary: Every relationship has it's first moments. This is one of them. Ianto had banked on being able to get Jack interested. What he hadn't allowed for is the power of touch.
First Time for Everything, Chapter Three:
Part A Part B Part C Part D And, if you're interested or a first-time reader, the First Time masterpage is