NO, not by a long shot. I still have to finish work tomorrow (at least 12 hours and I AM STILL AWAKE!!!) and then clean up the house, bleach the catboxes (since I am the only person in the house with a sense of smell), scrub the bathroom ceiling (since I am the only one who looks up in this place), do the shopping, pay the bills, and get my "nesting" areas ready, and pack a bag. Urgh.
Best wishes for your upcoming hyster - while I had a difficult op, it was the best decision I ever made - even at 28 with no kids. I have now been free for 14 years - and I highly recommend it. Once you heal you'll feel like a new woman :)
But make sure you don't lift anything heavier than a pound or two for several weeks - it pulls on internal sutures (and abdominal ones) something fierce. So no laundry baskets full of laundry, no bags of groceries, no heavy pots on the stove. And make sure you get plenty of sleep. I was so tired for weeks rest well, and heal fast *hugs* Oh, and hot water bottles (or heating pads) were a godsend, as was bracing with a pillow if I needed to cough or sneeze (I had mine done at the height of allergy season :/), and meals cooked in advance and frozen saved me from having to cook for weeks :)
(and yes, he has regained a little of his hawtness, hasn't he?)
Comments 31
Ready for surgery? You can do it - if I can, you can. :-D
Movie is called "Zulu" and it's a crime story.
But make sure you don't lift anything heavier than a pound or two for several weeks - it pulls on internal sutures (and abdominal ones) something fierce. So no laundry baskets full of laundry, no bags of groceries, no heavy pots on the stove. And make sure you get plenty of sleep. I was so tired for weeks rest well, and heal fast *hugs* Oh, and hot water bottles (or heating pads) were a godsend, as was bracing with a pillow if I needed to cough or sneeze (I had mine done at the height of allergy season :/), and meals cooked in advance and frozen saved me from having to cook for weeks :)
(and yes, he has regained a little of his hawtness, hasn't he?)
I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that he's a daddy either.
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery. Sending good thoughts your way.
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