[Fic] Friends, Lovers, Family - Chapter Five (polybigbang, Twilight)

Feb 08, 2012 20:46

Title: Friends, Lovers, Family
Fandom: Twilight
Rating: PG-13, with a scene of NC-17
Overall Word Count: 15,196
Chapter Word Count: 1,522
Summary: A complete AU that is set during Eclipse - when Riley comes to steal Bella's shirt for the scent, that's not all he takes. Jacob and Edward forget their differences to help Bella emotionally and find that love is all around them.
Author's Note: I do not own Twilight or any of its characters - it would be better written if I did. Big ass spoilers for the books/movies.
Thank Yous: A big big thank you to chosenfire28 for the art. Another big thank you to sirwynai for being my awesome beta. Even if she went "...whyyy Twilight" at the beginning. :D

It had been a month since the funeral for Charlie and life seemed to settle down into a routine. There was school, of course, and the times where Jacob would leave them to go back to La Push. But Jacob was back around the time that they were back from school. Nobody minded that Jacob was there and even Alice started to relax around him. It probably helped that they found something they liked to do together. Alice would practice her pitching while Jacob would practice being able to run and catch the ball in the air. Life seemed to be going along just fine, save for the trouble still happening in Seattle. The thought that, if it continued to get worse, the Cullens would have to go to Seattle to deal with it. That was the thought that was nagging at her as she and Jacob took a walk together on the outskirts of town while the rest of the family was off hunting. "Sorry," she said as she wasn't paying attention and tripped. Jacob had caught her before she fell.

"You're thinking and walking again at the same time," Jacob teased as he kissed her cheek. "Are you alright? You've been quiet since everyone got home today."

"The Seattle situation," Bella admitted. "I don't like the fact that they're going to go off without us."

"Well, can't really take a werewolf with and you'd only distract them with your tripping," Jacob teased. He chuckled as he saw Bella's glare. "You know that I'm telling the truth."

"I am working on getting better with my coordination, thank you very much," Bella said and sighed. "So, I was trying to talk Edward into setting a firm date again last night."

"I felt and heard that," Jacob said and shrugged. "Bells, if you keep on having to push to get what you want, is that really right? If it's going to hurt him in the end, why push the issue? You know that you can stay the way you are and that he'll love you all the same. So will I."

"Neither of you understand this at all," Bella said as she turned to walk back into town. "Forget it," she snapped as she tried to walk quickly.

"Bells," Jacob said as he caught up with her and pulled her into a hug. "What don't we understand? I want to know why you want to be turned into what they are. Especially when you know that you don't have to change for either of us. We just want you to be happy."

Bella hugged back for a moment before gently pulling away and looking up at him. "You don't understand what it is like to keep on aging when the people you love don't. Or the people you call family. That I continue to die each day when you and Edward don't! The two of you are going to stay the way you are and I'm going to grow old and die. And I don't want that. I want to be able to stay with the both of you forever. Since becoming a werewolf is genetic and you can't be bitten by one, then all I have is becoming what Edward is."

Jacob blinked as he heard all of that. "But - oh Bella," he said and smiled. "Have you told him that?"

"I've tried," Bella said.

"You need to try harder," Jacob said with a chuckle. He turned as he heard something coming fast. "What the hell?"

"Bella down!" Alice yelled as she tackled Bella, making sure that she pulled Bella down to the ground. Right at that moment, Victoria sprung from a hiding place but stopped as she saw Jacob change into wolf form. Victoria turned and ran off into the forest with Jacob taking chase behind her. "Follow Jacob!" She yelled to Edward and the rest of the Cullen family did so. After they were gone, she moved and helped Bella up. "You alright?"

"Don't tackle at high speed next time," Bella said as she took the hand and got up.

Jasper came back to Alice and Bella. "I need to get both of you back up to the house," he said. "Where's the car?"

"Just down the hill," Bella said.

Alice pulled up her hood and made Jasper do the same. The sun was playing with the clouds, coming out and then going back behind the clouds. They were able to make it to the car quickly and she had Jasper drive. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine," Bella said and sighed. "She always has to ruin everything."

Jasper chuckled. "Just be glad that Alice was keeping an eye out for her."

"Did either of you get to hunt?" Bella asked.

"We were finishing up when Alice had the vision," Jasper replied. "We're lucky that we're neat eaters. It is hard to get blood out of clothing."

Bella chuckled. "True, it is. I'm just glad that Alice got there in time. It is odd that she came out then instead of waiting for a better opportunity."

"She's trying to avenge James," Alice said quietly. "Truthfully, I'm glad that he's dead."

Bella raised an eyebrow at hearing that. It was odd to hear that Alice was glad that someone was dead. "Why?"

"He's the one who turned me," Alice said quietly. "The night when we first met him, I had a flash of a memory. When we killed him, there were more. Esme was able to help me bring out more of the memories, so I was able to get those back. It was the only ones though. Better than nothing."

"Right," Bella said quietly. They were all quiet as they got back to the house.

"I'm going to just check around the property," Jasper said.

"She won't come up this far," Alice said. "She knows better."

"Still, I'm going to check," Jasper said.

Bella took Alice's hand and led Alice inside. "You should let him do what he feels he needs to," she said as she went into the kitchen to get something to munch on. "Do you want anything?"

"No," Alice said and waited for Bella to get what she wanted. "I think we both need comfort television."

"Agreed," Bella said with a grin as she went with Alice into the room with the big television and comfortable couch. She put the bowl of munchies under some paper towel, keeping a lot for her hands. "What do we got?"

"Top Chef, Project Runway, Top Model - new and old seasons of everything," Alice said. "Unless we want something else?"

"Let's go with the petite season of Top Model," Bella said. "I like that one best."

"Okay!" Alice said happily and put on the show. The two of them cuddled together on the couch and watched the show.


Edward was the last to get back with Jacob, as they had taken their time looking for Victoria. He sighed as he pulled into his usual spot in the garage and they went into the house. "No trace of her," he told Esme and Carlisle, who were in the kitchen.

"That's to be expected," Carlisle said.

"Jacob, would you like something to eat?" Esme asked.

"No thank you, Mrs. Cullen. Edward and I ate on the way back," Jacob said. "If it's okay, I'm going to check on Bella."

"Of course," Carlisle said. He smiled as Jacob left and looked to Edward. "Victoria is acting differently now."

"It's probably due to the fact that one of hers messed up," Edward said.

"You still think it is Riley though?" Esme asked.

"It makes sense," Edward said. "He's from Forks and she would need someone who knows the area and the people." He stopped and thought for a moment. "She also looks different from the last time we saw her."

"Some have the ability to change their features," Carlisle said. "There are new powers and old powers with every newborn. Or just old powers."

"Right," Edward said. "I'm going to go find Jacob and Bella."

"We'll see you later," Carlisle said.

Edward started to go up the stairs but stopped as he saw Jasper standing in the doorway of the den. He stopped and went over to Jasper. He smiled as he saw Alice and Bella curled up while using Jacob in his wolf form as a pillow. "They look comfortable," he said quietly.

"They do," Jasper said. "Edward - "

"I don't care that they're together on the side if you don't," Edward said quietly. "But if you do have a problem, you should talk with Alice. Or Bella."

"Right," Jasper said quietly. "I just worry about losing her."

"I thought you would know by now that you're never getting rid of me," Alice said as she hugged Jasper.

Edward smiled at the cuteness as he went in and took the spot where Alice was. He kissed Bella's cheek and chuckled when Jacob licked his hand. He relaxed with the both of them. The danger was gone and it could wait until tomorrow to fully figure out what to do.

fandom: twilight, pairing: edward/bella/jacob, challenge: polybigbang

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