Jul 29, 2011 17:54

  1. His tolerance is phenomenal. I’m fairly sure if you cut him he would bleed wine.
  2. He is utterly technophobic, which of course, means he has nice electronics that annoy the shit out of him. An iPod, a Kindle, and a smart phone are the tip of the toys that cause him nothing but a headache.
  3. The reason he keeps candles around his house is to dull out the smell of smoke.
  4. …Francis smokes. A fair amount.
  5. But he’s proud of his looks, so he takes very good care not to look (or smell) like he’s a borderline chain smoker.
  6. That means he bleaches his teeth… every three months.
  7. He also drinks at least two large cups of café per day.
  8. Francis tends to be one of those guys that just …drops on in, uninvited at times. He’ll bring little gifts (As if gracing you with his presence isn’t quite enough!) to make up for it, but yes. He does it.
  9. Speaking of dropping in. Arthur’s closet is approximately a quarter French-occupied. In other words, Francis tends to come visit him more often.
  10. …which is why Francis is so damned quick to duck out of the way of thrown objects.
  11. Francis has slept with many, many people. Nations, humans…
  12. He did not sleep with Joan. He is nostalgic now, but she was a means in a desperate time. It was probably a one-sided love on her part.
  13. A few times he has been put on trial for being a witch and hanged accordingly. The townsfolk were a little surprised when he stood after a few minutes of being dropped from the gallows like a sack of bricks. Okay, so Fran took some sadistic glee in that.
  14. Despite the glee of reawakening to public outcry, he’s otherwise terrified about physical death. He knows that he will come back, of course… but there’s always the fear that this time will be it. Not to mention, it’s painful.
  15. Francis has died dozens of times in his abnormally long life. Many times to Arthur. The favor has been returned.
  16. He is a brilliant swordsman, even to this day. Not a bad shot, either.
  17. The Revolutionary War aid was done to piss. Arthur. Off.
  18. Though, Francis fancies himself a philosopher so he did admire America’s naïve desire for freedom and the like. He was always somewhat fond of the boy (since he tried to get him to be his colony at first). So what if he took that fondness a step further by taking his innocence after the war was won?
  19. Francis is a bit contradictory in that he is very self-involved but he’s paternal.
  20. He was responsible for watching over his royalty’s children.
  21. Francis was originally one of three brothers that represented Western (himself), Middle, and Eastern Francia. His brothers perished while he remained. Not like that wasn’t traumatic for a child, no…
  22. He owns several homes: a rather nice townhouse in Paris, an old mansion in Nice, and a smaller home in Burgundy.
  23. Stress bakes. An obscene amount.
  24. Scars. There are a lot of them. Everywhere.
  25. He has a chauffer to drive him around town. It isn’t his fault that the traffic in Paris is extremely stressful.
  26. If he’s outside of Paris he will drive himself.
  27. Francis owns a BMW. In red.
  28. John Wayne fan.
  29. He wears reading glasses when doing his copious amounts of paperwork
  30. Francis knows how to play the harp, piano, and cello.
  31. His handwriting has not changed in over two hundred years.
  32. The man has a light tan. He is not alabaster. He does not sparkle, though he would if he could and put Edward Cullen to shame.
  33. He has a fetish for boots.
  34. Bootlicking and other dominance play for that manner… No, really, he can be a commanding bastard in bed.
  35. Even when he’s on bottom. :T
  36. Doesn’t stay up late, usually turning in around 11. Only two reasons exist for making it past midnight and those are work (more like a CRISIS at work) or play.
  37. If he doesn’t get rest he is snappish.
  38. Right-handed
  39. He doesn’t think that British food is horrible, just hearty. It’s Arthur’s in particular that is lacking. Will not admit the first.
  40. Canada’s accent = OH DEAR GOD.
  41. He blames Arthur’s influence on Mathieu’s poutine. So hard.
  42. Hair. He has a lot of it, including on his toes… but he shaves that off. The rest is fine to stay.
  43. Francis prefers women that have curves but he’s equal opportunity.
  44. Likes to people watch.
  45. Still feels paternal toward Seychelles in particular. Mathieu, also. Downplays it a lot.
  46. His hair gets to the point of teasing dirty blond in the winter months. Bleaches back out in the sun.
  47. The only tech “savvy” game (Not chess, cards, or otherwise lacking of electricity) he actually enjoys playing is Angry Birds. Mindless destruction does it for him…
  48. He sings when he’s cooking, or in the car…showers, too.
  49. Can sing. Tenor.
  50. Cringes when America tries to speak his language, especially when he discovered that the word for “Shower” in French is “douche”. Not amused!
  51. Is still bitter about that whole Vichy situation…
  52. Gardens
  53. Has worn a corset before… on a dare. Not in the Victorian era like you might think.
  54. Corset piercings are fascinating to him. He’s wanted to get one done but he’s already got enough scar tissue that it would be an awkward process.
  55. He does not have a tattoo. Not a one.
  56. Ears were pierced in the past. He didn’t upkeep the fashion.
  57. Wears boxer-briefs.
  58. …when he does bother wearing underwear.
  59. Speaks fluent Russian from the days when he was tutoring a younger Russia.
  60. Still has a soft spot for the man, even though he’s not the gangly teenager he used to be.
  61. His favorite color is plum. It’s just a royal color, and Francis has high tastes.
  62. Addicted to cooking shows
  63. Poly-amorous, though he’s not been in a relationship in quite some time
  64. Reads a lot in his free-time. His is a fan of mystery novels.
  65. He has an impressive collection of scarves. He does not know where he got them.
  66. Always has on his person: 1 pack of cigarettes, those ‘on-the-go’ toothbrush sticks, phone, wallet
  67. Always wears slacks with functioning pockets. Kind of necessary.
  68. Can’t stand McDonalds, but he does like a nice gourmet burger from time to time.
  69. Is fair at snowboarding. (dratted official winter art)
  70. Has a knack for theatrics
  71. Even though they fight, Francis would not know what to do if he didn’t have Arthur to fight with. It’s a love/hate relationship. Stupid old married couple.
  72. Watercolors
  73. Hates modern art with a passion. Of course there are museums in his country dedicated to it but …ew.
  74. Can rant. For hours. (Canada got it from somewhere)
  75. The majority of his bedmates do not see him right when they wake up. They usually come downstairs to see him as poised as he was when laying down with him, making a breakfast. Thoughtful, right?
  76. …that’s because he has the worst bed-head. Ever. It takes a lot of familiarity before he’ll let anyone know this though, let alone see it.
  77. Scotland has seen (without necessarily having caused it).
  78. Has a little black book that is very organized. Down to the tabs and color coding.
  79. Thinks that “twitter” is new slang for dirty things. …Close enough.
  80. Visits Scotland fairly often to smoke, drink, and bitch.
  81. While he likes black suits, he tends to wear navy or gray.
  82. Wears his hair pulled back while doing chores.
  83. He enjoys horseback riding though he’s not done it in over a decade. Time flies.
  84. He is a very hands-on. Tactile.
  85. Francis has owned silk sheets in the past and enjoyed them greatly. Until he made the connection between that and a love motel and just, no. Egyptian cotton with a high thread count now. In dark colors.
  86. Francis makes it mandatory to have at least one fireplace in his homes. He finds them comforting.
  87. …Outside of all of those hellfire implications. Usually bypasses them unless he’s particularly somber. Yeah, he’s still concerned about Hell.
  88. Takes 30 minutes minimum to get ready, and that’s not counting the 15-20 minute shower he takes.
  89. Patient, for the most part.
  90. Writes erotic literature when on vacation, without fail.
  91. Has a rather deprecating sense of humor when he’s miffed.
  92. He cannot stand it being completely silent. It’s part of the reason while he sings if there’s nothing playing in the background.
  93. Tends to enjoy giving massages. With clothes on or off.
  94. For as theatric and dramatic he is, he is a very private mourner when it hits hard. Not a messy crier.
  95. Likens himself to a cat; he’s very graceful, prissy, and likes naps.
  96. Looks at Monaco as a little sister. Who he has not tried to molest.
  97. Can be very scathing and brutally honest when having an all-out fight.
  98. …likes Arthur’s ‘punk’ hair. And petting it, though he nearly pulls back a broken wrist whenever he tries it.
  99. Did a lot of opium back in the day. He keeps his recreational drugs on a low presently.
  100. Still thinks that the Eiffel Tower is fairly unattractive, but knows that it is iconic and can at least appreciate that…

france, [ooc]

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