
Jul 23, 2016 12:55

If I had been marking each day I felt not good, then this year would be full of black X's... I wouldn't do that anyway, because then I'd be needlessly afraid the bad would outnumber the good, and I already overthink and over-worry in general ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

classics_lover July 23 2016, 10:45:27 UTC

I know this feel so well. If you want to talk, about anything at all, just give me a shout.


creepy_shetan July 23 2016, 11:51:23 UTC
Thank you. ♥ ❤

I haven't been much of a friend around here. I'm sorry. I checked my friends page for the first time in months today, and I didn't really know what to say to anyone. Also, I thought I'd friended more comment_fic regulars, and now I don't know how to ask them about it without being awkward. 6>_>;; Awkward is the story of my life nowadays.


classics_lover July 23 2016, 14:44:28 UTC
Lj was doing weird things a few months ago, unfriending and not notifying and whatnot. If you say you thought you had friended them and that LJ must have screwed up, people won't mind. In fairness, LJ screws up semi regularly, so nobody'd be surprised anyway, LOL.


creepy_shetan July 24 2016, 01:33:24 UTC
That's... not... cool. o__O Oh, LJ... Getting old and forgetful, I see.

Thanks for letting me know!


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