Title: Possessives
creepy_crawlyRating: PG-15
Pairing: Sasuke/Orochimaru
Warnings: …creepy Sasuke-tops-Orochimaru. Which is enough warning for most people, I think.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Hell, I’m not sure I want to admit to writing this.
Summary: This may have been my original idea, but it’s
ckret2’s fault for asking for the drabble, I swear.
Yours and Mine and His and Ours... )
Comments 1
I apologize if I disturbed you at all with my requests, but hey, you did them very well. :P Mwahaha! Yes, join me in love of the uber-freaky OroNaru!! Eh, I'm probably not that lucky, actually.
Sakura must be very grateful to Naruto for this...
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