Title: Going Home Author: creepy_crawly Rating: PG-13 Summary/Warning: 'A hundred years this pattern's been waiting. I think maybe it's found an owner...' Song: Gyasi Went Home, BEDOUIN SOUNDCLASH ( Gyasi Went Home )
Oh my. Did you realize after I read this I promptly went 'Must Read More of This' and tried to find more, only to realize that alas, twas a one shot. I've generally found your writings extremely well done and (thank god) gramatically correct, more or less. This? Blew me out of the water. I hate to beg for more, but this really is a great plot line you've got going on.
I was just totally engrossed with the description of the 'kimono'that I kept on imagining how Iruka would look in it. Came up with a beautiful image. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading these, especially the second and last installment. Like I always say, I love any piece to do with younger Iruka and Kakashi. I guess its just the mystery that Kishimoto provides, you know, he gives nothing of how their lives were, so more for an imaginative mind it gives a lot to muddle over...Loved it!
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