Title: passage
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean, Gargoyles, Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Humans are ungrateful children.
tigriswolf said Tia Dalma fic and my brain spat this up during a Stargate marathon. The other two are blink-and-you'll-miss. Text from le El Jay cut text is from Björk's song, "Oceania," the song I was listening to when she prodded me with it. xD
Humans are such ungrateful children.
They climbed out of her so many years ago and here she is, being bound.
She memorizes all of their faces as she grows and swells.
She wakes, with tears that are her trailing down her cheeks. She can't drown, can't go back. Just strains and strains and accomplishes absolutely nothing.
It feels good, to be herself again. She's no longer confined to mere flesh and bone. Her hair spreads in all directions, her skin is slick and salty and it is easy to make her revenge against them.
Elizabeth is easy enough. She can feel the water in her veins, finds it hard to ignore. She is their king, after all.
Calypso chuckles and wheedles her, night and day, until finally, Elizabeth abandons her brood and comes into her arms once and for all.
Barbossa does not fight.
He comes when he finally cannot be a pirate any longer and it's bittersweet. There's no fun to be had and she lets the angler take him.
"You killed her, didn't you?" Will is tired, but not of his job. His son's son is so foreign to him now.
Maybe, she sighs against his ship, pulls him further along.
That's all the answer he needs.
He floats, deep, deep in the depths.
She holds him again, like she used to and says all she wanted to say.
He doesn't hear her, not at all and that's fine.
He proved himself unworthy when he told them her secret.
Jack, Jack, Jack, she walks ashore, where the old little trickster stays. Do yeh still no' wan' t'come t'death?
"The Pearl's still afloat, ain't she?"
She sighs. Y're a fool.
Her selkie swirl around her and whisper that Jack became one of Anansi's children. Says the world is part of his playground, now, and that the Pearl is his own.
She shakes her head and sinks down, down.
Fool, he is.
I'll not come t'ye gatherin', she spits at Oberon, waves rising angrily at the Sisters. Yeh've ne'er called me unless y'seek something, didn' lift a finger to help me. The waves grow larger as she grows angrier, skies boiling. Be best t'leave, Sisters, before Oberon loses yeh too soon.
And like good little children, they flee to Avalon, like they should. It's the one place she'll never be able to swallow, no matter how hard she tries.
It's been eons since the Pearl has cut her waters.
She pulls herself on board and Jack is grim, but the same.
"Do you know about them? The demons?"
She snorts. Dey are not my concern, Jack. Dey shouldn' be yours, 'less yeh did something.
He purses his lip with real worry.
Let them come, she thinks, as the dragons soar again and the humans wage another pointless war.
One blink of her eyes and they'll be long gone and everything will be quiet and hers again.
She goes back to Davy's corpse, curls around him and lets Heaven and Hell wage war.
No matter who wins, she'll always be here.