Rules for
hp_creatures Halloween Fest
This fest for multiple pairings within the HP fandom. This year's fest will be anonymous, with a reveal after all the fic and art have posted. All fiction and art MUST be new and written/drawn specifically for this fest.
It should NOT be posted anywhere else until after the Reveal, which will be in early November of this year.
You can submit up to SIX prompts per user.
Each prompt should include the following information:
Creature: the creatures that must be included
Pairing: express what pairing if you have a preference, or gen fic if you'd rather
Era: specify whether you want a story/art be EWE, Epilogue-compliant or AU, or if that is left up to the writer/artist
Additions: list three items/concepts/words to include in the story
Scenario: what would you like to see happen?
Squicks: list things you really don’t want to see in this fic
Maximum Rating: G to NC-17 or leave that up to the writer/artist
Submitting a prompt does not mean you have to fill one, you still get your five prompts even if you don't intend to participate (although we would ask you to try and read and comment on the fics and art when they are posted, particularly for your prompt).
Once claiming opens, prompt claims should be posted on the CLAIMING POST. (A template will be provided on the claiming post)
Each prompt can be claimed twice - once for fic and once for art.
Each person can claim one prompt at a time, but you can come back and claim another prompt if you finish yours early.
There will also be a writer's choice option in case you don't see a prompt but still want to write/draw.
You can claim a prompt even if you did not submit one.
Submissions should be emailed to the mods on or (ideally) before the due date at
• Stories should have a minimum of 1000 words.
• All submissions must be beta-read and free of spelling mistakes.
• All submissions should be html formatted.
• One line space is required between all paragraphs. If you do not do this your fic will be returned. The mods cannot be expected to do everything!
• All submissions will be checked before posting and, if necessary, returned to the author with comments. We reserve the right to make general spelling, canon spelling and minor grammatical and formatting changes.
• All work should be a stand-alone and MUST not be part of another series or a sequel.
• Your finished story must be supplied as a Word document with the “.doc”, ".docx", ".rtf" or ".txt" coding. It should be supplied complete with all LJ coding, such as bold and italic, and appropriate warnings.
Title:Author/Artist: Prompt: (Number or link to prompt)
Pairing: Creature: Word Count/Art Medium: (Remember the minimum word count is 1000 words)
Rating: (G - NC-17)
Warnings: (highlight to read) *
WARNINGS GO HERE (Warn for possible triggers and squicks. No need to warn for sex and slash!)*
Disclaimer: This creation is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made, no copyright or trademark infringement, or offense is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.