Take the following 10 categories and write a fic of 10 words or less for each one.
I did Smallville though most of them ended up being Clana. And some were a few words over. Oops. Fluff and First Time can be whoever you want. Angst and humor are kind of spoilery for Requiem.
01. Angst: Clark watched as Lana walked out of his life forever.
o2. AU: “I’m pregnant, Clark.” Lana said. Those words brought great joy to his heart.
03. Crackfic: “Wanna have a threesome?” Lana asked. “Sure why not. Is Chloe free?”
04. Crossover: “I’m the slayer.” Those three words changed Clark’s life forever.
05. Episode-Related: Lana watched helplessly as Clark rode off on his motorcycle.
06. First Time: It was everything she thought it would be and more.
07. Fluff: “I love you.” Those three small words changed his life for the better.
08. Humor: “I think we broke the bed.” Lana giggled. “I guess we did.”
09. Hurt/Comfort: Chloe held a sobbing Lana in her arms, comforting her.
10. UST: Pete saw Chloe. He just wished she’d see him like she saw Clark.