Fic Update: Miraculously Their Own (14/15)

Dec 30, 2008 21:23

Title: Miraculously Their Own
Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby
Rated: R…ish
Beta Babe: crimedoc1
Disclaimer: DW & co are not mine. I am just playing with them.
Warnings: baby!fic (sort of). Adult situations in a couple chapters
Spoilers: Most of S1
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose, Jackie, others.
Pairings: Nine/Rose
Summary: The Doctor gets Rose pregnant in a most unconventional way and it becomes their duty to protect the child at all costs.

Chapter List

banner & icons by angelfireeast

Chapter Fourteen

The sun was rising on another lovely day in London. The Doctor stood silently, looking down at the small bundle cradled gently in his hands. The tiny little person that had caused so much trouble even before he was born was now quietly regarding his face with interest before yawning and closing his eyes. The Doctor sighed. He and Rose had talked so much about the little child, loved him so much, planned to show him so many fantastic places in the universe once he was old enough to travel in the TARDIS. A family trip to the planet Barcelona to see the noseless dogs. A trip to Midnight, the planet made of diamonds…

The Doctor had never imagined he would have to raise the child on his own. His blood boiled once more as the image of Sura’ji begging for mercy entered his mind’s eye. He quickly pushed it down, knowing that she had gotten precisely what she deserved. It was only right considering what she had done to his Rose.

His beautiful Rose. He didn’t want to imagine his life without her. How would he manage without her wicked little smile to pull him out of his dark moments? How would he ever manage to raise a child alone in his mental state? He supposed he could ask Sarah Jane for help… she was doing alright with Luke, after all. And although the idea irked him, he knew that Jackie also would be willing to help. How bad could she be, really? After all, Rose had turned out well under her guidance…

And how would he be able to travel with a baby? He had taken Susan travelling with him, of course, but she had been much older. And what would he do when he found trouble… or trouble found him? What would happen when he was needed to save the Earth… or any one of a hundred other worlds. What could he possibly do with a baby then? Sarah Jane wouldn’t want to baby sit… he was pretty sure she would want to be right there in the thick of the danger, helping him defeat the latest group of aliens bent on destroying civilisation. And he really didn’t want to bother Jackie too much because…

Because it was his fault that her daughter was dead.

Part of him… a very large part… wanted to simply run away and never look back. But the faint tickling sensation he was feeling in his head told him that he couldn’t. He smiled sadly down at the baby. “Yeah, you found me… a mind just like yours. Your mum’s not here so you’re reaching out to the nearest telepath, aren’t you?” The Doctor paused and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry. I know you’re used to being inside someplace warm and dark but… well… they took you out so now you’ve got to suffer stiff human beds like the rest of us. If it’s any consolation, you would have had somewhere much softer and comfier to sleep if I hadn’t gone and gotten your mum killed.” His gaze turned bleak. “Twice.”

Shaking his head as if to rid himself of his painful thoughts, the Doctor sighed again. “Couldn’t keep your real mum alive and couldn’t keep Rose alive either. A bit rubbish at saving lives, me. What makes me think I could do a good job at saving yours?”

“You’re being too hard on yourself.”

The Doctor started and looked up at Jackie as she pushed away from the wall and moved towards him. Her eyes drifted to the doorway that led to the room in which her daughter lay. “How long were you standing there?” the Doctor said, a bit sharply.

“Long enough to know that you’re blaming yourself too much,” Jackie replied tartly. “Mickey brought me back when Sarah Jane took Luke and Maria home, the sedative didn’t work and I didn’t want Rose to be alone.” She stepped closer to the Doctor and looked into his eyes. “You didn’t get Rose killed. You had her safe at home and that… that… lady took her away. It wasn’t your fault. Anyway, I realised a time long ago that Rose wasn’t going to be safe… no matter how hard you tried. She didn’t want safety… She wanted to be with you and hold your hand.” She reached out and carefully took the prince in her arms. “As far as I’m concerned, that woman killed my Rose. Not you.” She gave him a pointed look. “Now, come along, you… the entire staff is terrified of you! They’re all afraid to even come near this room while you’re standing guard at the door.”

Jackie’s eyes filled with tears and she hugged the baby close to her. The Doctor felt his hearts ache for her. She was trying to be strong. Strong for him of all people. He walked over and hugged both her and the baby. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly.

Jackie stood still for a moment, and then sniffled slightly and pulled out of his embrace. “You gave Rose the stars. Blokes promise that sort of thing all the time, you know, but you actually did it. You gave them to her. You took her to see Pete when he was dying. She told me you showed her that and so much more… Why would you want to be sorry about that?”

Jackie turned and walked away, moving toward the small waiting area near to the nurses’ station. The Doctor took one last look back at the soft golden glow of the rising sun that was shining through the doorway to Rose’s room. “Goodbye Rose,” he said softly, and then followed Jackie down the hallway.


Jackie watched as the nurses prepared to go into Rose’s room. One nurse had just gone into the room to wash Rose up before… Oh she didn’t want to think about it. The Doctor had retreated into himself again as soon as they had entered the waiting area, his face becoming dark and unreadable. She knew he probably would remain that way for a long time, although if he thought she was just going to allow him to emotionally withdraw completely, he had another think coming.

Jackie knew that Rose wouldn’t want the Doctor to blame himself, so she decided then and there that she wasn’t going to let it happen. And if he tried to pull a runner, she’d stalk every odd occurrence in the world until she found him, even if he had regenerated a hundred times by time she found him, and then she’d plant her trainer as far as she could up his arse. She’d find him even if he regenerated a hundred times. And she knew that somewhere, Rose would be cheering her on as she did it.

Not that she would confine him to Earth… actually, she didn’t think such a thing was even possible. But she made up her mind that when he took off in that TARDIS again, he would not be leaving alone. She’d go along with him even if she had to handcuff herself to him to keep him from leaving her behind. She’s ask Sarah Jane, or Bev, or… someone… to watch the baby for a day or two while she went along with the Doctor to make sure he didn’t do something stupid and irresponsible and get himself permanently killed. She was going to make sure he stayed alive to be the best dad that he could be to this little baby.

Jackie jerked in surprise as a sudden piercing scream echoed down the hospital corridors. The baby sleeping in her arms awoke and began crying loudly, adding to the din. The Doctor bolted upright, eyes wide with shock, as the nurse burst out of Rose’s room, stumbling up to the nurse’s station, and babbled incoherently before falling to the floor in a dead faint. The Doctor raced down the corridors toward Rose’s room, Jackie following more slowly as she carefully juggled the frantic baby in her arms. As she reached the doorway to Rose’s room, she almost ran into the Doctor. He was standing, frozen, staring across the hallway into the room.

“Doctor…” she started to say, and then froze as a someone else emerged from the doorway. “Oh my God…”

It was Rose. She was… alive. Alive and taking slow hesitant steps out of the room into the hallway. It was Rose but, at the same time, it wasn’t. The woman emerging from the hospital room, clad only in a hospital gown, still looked like Rose only… well -- prettier. No… she looked healthier. Her skin and hair had a natural, healthy glow. Her eyes seemed brighter, more alive. And when she looked at them and smiled, Jackie could see that she now had perfect white teeth.

Jackie felt a rush of air as the Doctor ran past her, sweeping Rose into his arms in a crushing hug and whirling her around. She stood watching and smiling, cuddling the now-placid baby, as the Doctor finally set Rose back on her feet again.

“I take it you’re happy to see me?” Rose asked, her hand cupping the Doctor’s cheek.

Jackie felt that the kiss he planted on Rose’s mouth was a definite “Yes.”


The doctor stared at Rose in utter shock. He had raced back to the floor in response to the urgent page from the nurses’ station and had looked close to fainting himself when he saw his recently-deceased patient walking around in apparently perfect health. He bagan babbling about tests that he wanted to run, but the Doctor and Rose politely informed him that, since mother and baby seemed to be doing just fine, they would be going home now. Several other doctors had arrived, all demanding they be allowed to examine Rose, the baby, the room… anything that might explain Rose’s miraculous recovery. However, the Doctor quietly but firmly led Rose down the hall towards the lifts, Jackie followed close behind, holding the baby tightly to prevent an overzealous nurse or doctor from attempting to take him away for additional tests. Not much to Jackie’s surprise, no one prevented them from leaving the hospital once the Doctor turned to them and told them, under absolutely no circumstances were they touching Rose or the baby, and they made their way out of the hospital and were soon on their way back to Bannerman Road.

As soon as they arrived, Rose got out of the car, unstrapped the baby from the car seat, and cuddled him gently as she headed towards the house. Suddenly the door burst open and Sarah Jane rushed out, throwing her arms around Rose and the baby.

“I can’t believe you’re really alive,” she said, almost whispering for fear of waking the now-sleeping infant. “Jackie phoned and said you were coming home and we couldn’t believe it!” Tears were running down her face but she was smiling as she continued to speak. “Luke and Maria spread the news so I’m afraid you’ve got a bit of a welcoming committee in the house. Everyone was just so happy you were alright, and they all want to see the baby.”

Sure enough, as soon as Rose and the Doctor entered the house, they were accosted by a bevy of neighbours and friends. Everyone seemed rather happy for the new parents… at least until they saw the baby, saw his noticeably darker, almost Arabic, skin tone and head full of black hair.

“So,” Robert Johansan, a family man who lived a few houses down the street, said hesitantly. “you’re absolutely positive you’re not wanting to get a paternity test or anything, Doc?”

“Nope. Why would I?” the Doctor replied instantly. “He’s got my eyes, hasn’t he?” He held the baby up and the prince chose that moment to open his eyes, which were the same pale blue eyes as the Doctor’s. The other man looked embarrassed and stammered out an apology before excusing himself and making a hasty departure with his wife and infant daughter.

Eventually, the impromptu welcome home party wound down and everyone left except Jackie and Sarah Jane. Rose was lounging on the sofa with the sleeping prince in her arms and Sarah Jane flopped down tiredly onto a chair. “So have the two of you thought of a possible name yet?” Sarah Jane asked Rose. “Are you going to give him a human name, or a Gallifreyan one, or something from his home planet?”

Jackie chose that moment to chime in as well. “I’ve got another question,” she huffed, folding her arms over her chest as she turned to the Doctor who was finishing off the last of the hors d’oeuvres. “When are you going to do right by my only daughter, Doctor? When are you two going to get married?”

Rose and the Doctor looked at each other and then at Jackie. “Well… look at the time Mum,“ Rose said brightly. “I think maybe I should go have a bit of a lie down and perhaps give our little prince something to eat… don’t you, Doctor?” The Doctor nodded energetically as he helped Rose up from the sofa, adroitly managing to keep her and the prince between him and Jackie at all times.

“The two of you can’t avoid the question forever you know,” Jackie called after them as they hurried out of the room.

“Yes we can,” they replied in unison and disappeared up the stairs.

doctor who fic: miraculously their own

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