DW Fic: Inebriated

Oct 15, 2008 10:14

Title: Inebriated
Author: Rambling Rose / irishlullaby
Beta Babe: crimedoc1
The Prompt: Per 25moments #9 - Drunk
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing/Characters: TenII/Rose
Rating: Teen
Summary: It was the first time the Doctor had consumed alcohol as a human.

It was the first time the Doctor had consumed alcohol as a human. Well, he’d had a sip or two while hiding in the 1930’s as a chameleon-arched John Smith but that was such a small amount that it didn’t really count. And technically he was only half human so he had thought perhaps he would still be able to drink alcohol without any ill effects.

As he had been about many things since arriving in Pete’s World, the Doctor was completely wrong.

Unfortunately, he didn’t realise that until after enjoying several hours of free-flowing wine and consuming a large number of brilliantly crafted drinks by an exceptionally nice bartender named Marie. Of course, Rose had been drinking right along with him all evening. They had laughed and giggled and swapped ever more outrageous stories with Marie until they were the only ones left at the party.

Finally, they were forced to leave so the staff could go home and get some sleep. They quickly realised that neither of them were able to drive and that the rest of their party had abandoned them at some point during the night. So the Doctor let down the rear seats in their SUV and they huddled together in the back under his new greatcoat, giggling and fumbling with clothes like teenagers. The “love making” didn’t last very long and the Doctor was pretty sure Rose had fallen asleep before it was done. He found out later that she didn’t even remember walking to the SUV, much less anything that went on in it, but he made it up to her two days later after they had recovered from their hangovers.

After that night, neither of them wanted to see another alcoholic beverage for a very long time.

doctor who fic: inebriated, 25moments challenge

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