DW fic: Holiday

Oct 01, 2008 15:34

Title: Holiday
Author: Rambling Rose / irishlullaby
Beta Babe: crimedoc1
The Prompt: Per 25moments #2 - Vacation
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing/Characters: TenII/Rose
Rating: All Ages
Summary: The Doctor and Rose take a holiday together

“Ouch… ouch… hot… oooh!”

Rose tired desperately to keep from laughing as the Doctor bounced back and forth from one foot to the other as they crossed the white sand. She had warned him to wear shoes and he had insisted it was not necessary, so she decided she was entitled to the odd giggle or two. He was only half Time Lord now and she had long since realized that he no longer had the ability to withstand extreme heat or cold. So naturally, his feet were sensitive to the heat when walking across the sun-baked sand of a Florida beach in summer.

They finally reached the damp sand at the edge of the water and she heard the Doctor sigh in relief as the surf washed over his burnt feet. “This looks like a good spot,” he said, grinning. “Let’s get started.”

Rose laughed happily as he dropped the cooler and other items he had insisted upon bringing all the way down from the parking area that was almost a kilometre away, hidden behind the wall of cypress and palm trees. This was their own tiny island, barely eight metres in size and wasn’t really classifiable as its own island, one of many that dotted the coast of the Lovers Key, nestled between Sanibel Island and Fort Myers Beach. They had discovered the little jewel hidden between two of the major beaches in Southwest Florida a few years back, when they had been driving to the airport after finishing up a case on Sanibel, and they had sworn that on their next holiday they would return and enjoy the delights of the secluded spot.

The Doctor immediately set to the task of setting up a large beach umbrella, with a chair for Rose placed comfortably beneath it. With a wild grin, he started digging through one of his many beach bags to find his tools for sand castle building. Rose settled into her chair and just listened to the sounds of the ocean, seagulls, and the Doctor. Taking a deep breath and sighing with contentment, she drifted off to sleep.

She awoke to the Doctor shaking her gently. She opened one eye and laughed at the sight of him in sunglasses and with white goop on his nose. He didn’t give her time to awaken fully before grabbing her by the hand and dragging her out of her seat, babbling excitedly as they went. “Took me about three hours to finish it but… TAA DAA!”

She blinked in surprise. There before her stood a sand replica of the TARDIS. He had recreated it perfectly down to the tiniest detail, she realised as she stepped closer to read the Public Notice on the door. She took several paces back and noticed the sand light dome atop the sand structure. “It’s beautiful,” she said softly. “How did you do the light on top?”

The Doctor twitched slightly. “Very carefully. Trust me, I had to rebuild it twice because of that light.”

Rose looked him over, her smile fading. “Three hours, yeah? Um… did you think to put sun cream on?”

His excited grin disappeared.


“Ouch… ouch… OUCH! Don’t rub so hard,” the Doctor moaned, pouting.

Rose squirted another healthy blob of the green aloe gel into the palm of her hand. It was the only thing she had been able to find quickly that the Doctor willing to use. “I’m not rubbing hard, Doctor, I’ve barely been touching you.” He peered at her over his shoulder at her and she stifled a laugh.

The only parts of the Doctor not a bright red were where his sunglasses, his shorts, and the goop had covered him. She continued applying the gel, despite his loud objections, and tried to act sympathetic. Deep down, though, she was now extremely glad that they had decided to take a two month holiday. Because it was clear that the Doctor would be out of action for several days while recovering from his sunburn.

doctor who fic: holiday, 25moments challenge

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