FANFICTION: (THE TRIBE) Consequences (Jack/Trudy)

Jan 13, 2008 01:06

TITLE: Consequences
CHARACTERS: Trudy, Jack, Brady, Ellie, Amber, May, Salene
PAIRING(S): Trudy/Jack, Jack/Ellie, tiny hint of Jay/Amber
RATING/WARNINGS: G... no warnings. Other than kissing.
SUMMARY: The truth comes out, and Jack and Trudy have to face the consequences.
NOTES: Something doesn't feel completely right about this, but I can't ( Read more... )

tt: trudy, fanfiction, the tribe, tt: jack/trudy, tt: jack

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Comments 3

wildannuette March 17 2008, 21:51:34 UTC
I like this, the pairing is new to me but it's interesting, believable and you've made me very curious by it now. I like that there's no mass scene ending in arguing, just Trudy speaking the truth for her daughter. The only thing that confuses me is Mega's motivations. I don't know if that helps in way of helping you identify what you don't like, I just found difficult to see what he stood to gain and why he did it. Dissent i can understand but maybe it might help to explain that motivation?

Are you taking this further? I must admit to be intrigued to know just what's going to happen next and if Jack will make a choice. Poor Trudy always seems to get a raw deal as did Jack for a while, it would be nice to think they could both have and appreciate each other.

Nice fic, hope you write more!


justams March 18 2008, 10:29:46 UTC
Thank you. :D
I remember I was very unsure on how to end it, so it makes me happy that you like the ending.
You could be right... I don't remember what I thought Mega's motivation was (it's been a little while since this was first written), so it's likely that I just used him to make it happen. Maybe that's why it's bothering me.

I have thought of writing a sequel of some kind, but we'll see. Maybe if I do I can figure out Mega's motivation as well, and this fic will stop bothering me. XD

As for the pairing, it's my favourite. I don't even remember when the idea first came to me, though I have a feeling it was mainly because of Jack and Trudy being my favourites, and the more I thought about it, the more it seemed to work in my head.


tabithaarbella February 8 2013, 23:21:21 UTC
Not sure I've ever thought of Jack and Trudy, but you make them really work, and sort of make sense.
There are a lot of possible couple back in series one, and thinking back Jack and Trudy always did have a sort of tension, I guess it sort of got lost underneath the wave of sexual tension that was early Amber and Lex...

Is there a part 2 for this?


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